Chapter 20

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Mark shifted from one foot to the other outside of the townhouse, his hands shoved in his pockets as he waited. The night air was cool against his skin. He was about to turn around when he saw a light turn on in the front window. Footsteps could be heard behind the door.

He swallowed nervously.

The door swung open, and he was face to face with Carolyn.

"Mark Sloan!" She gasped.

"Carolyn." He nodded.

"Gracious me, what are you doing here?"

"You said I could drop by anytime..." he said, quirking his lips in a slight smile.

"Well come in then, I'll put on a pot of tea."

He stepped into the house, shaking his head at the memories that assaulted him. He'd come here often as a teenager. After school, he'd hang out with Derek, read his comics, play his games and be invited to stay for supper. A break from the lonliness that haunted him at his own empty home.

Carolyn ushered him in, and he followed her to the kitchen. She'd hardly changed, except for a few more lines, and... maybe a little more emptiness in her eyes than before her son died. She filled the pot with water and set it on the stove before producing two black mugs and a couple tea bags. "Earl Grey?" she asked.

"Sure," he said.

They waited in companionable silence until the kettle whistled and she poured him a cup."Well?" she asked, raising her eyebrow.

Mark doused his tea with cream and took a sip. "I screwed up... I cheated on Lexie." He didn't tell her it was with Amelia... that wasn't the point.

"Oh Mark." Carolyn sighed.

"But I'm going to fix it."

"You are? And you came all the way to New York to tell me this?"

"Lexie got a fellowship in D.C. I have a flight in a few hours."

Carolyn's gaze softened. "So you do love her," she said.

"I do."

"What are you going to do? Propose?"

"And scare the crap out of her?" He grinned, "No... but I made a list... I talked to Derek the other day and... I think he'd be impressed." On the flight over, on a bar napkin, he'd scribbled down his ideas to woo Little Grey back to him.

At the mention of Derek's name, Carolyn looked down at her tea. "I imagine he had a lot to say."

"Hm." Mark said, remembering Meredith's Drunken night at the cementary.

"How is she?" Carolyn asked, "Meredith."

He knew Carolyn worried about her. He knew she blamed herself... there was a lot of that going around. After the accident, Carolyn had arranged the funeral for the baby, she took care of all the expenses, she'd stayed with him until Meredith woke up. But Meredith had refused to see her. So wracked with guilt, she remained silent when Carolyn tried to talk to her. "It still haunts her... everyday. But she's trying to move forward I think..."

"She won't talk to me." Carolyn said.

"She doesn't know what to say... she blames herself."

"Don't we all?" and there was a trace of bitterness in her voice. "I'd love her like my own daughter, Mark, if she'd let me..."

"I know..." he replied.

They sipped their tea. From the living room, the old grandfather clock chimed. The furnace kicked in, warm air blowing over his socked feet. "Wanna see some pictures of Sofia?" he offered, brightening at the thought of his rambunctious child.

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