Chapter 21

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Owen pushed through the crowd in the bar, looking for a familiar head of chestnut hair. "Excuse me," he said as he slid past a couple more people. When he arrived at the bar he saw Amelia at the far end, nursing a drink.

Concerned, he made his way to her stool and sat beside her. "Hey," he said.

"Hi," she said, sliding her fingers up and down the glass of her drink. He knew she was in recovery and in AA and that just by being there she was putting herself at risk... even though it looked like she hadn't even take a sip.

"What... what happened? Are you okay?" he asked.

"I can't believe it's been five years and I'm still a mess," Amelia said.

Owen nodded slowly. What could he say?

"Derek was in a motorcycle accident... he was fine, he walked away from it, but- he was in the accident because he was coming to see me. To find me, because I was partying with my friends... and then, later I stole his prescription pads and crashed his mustang... and I overdosed. I stopped breathing for three damn minutes. And everytime I try and put the pieces of myself together- somebody gets hurt or dies-" She stopped and stared at the glass. "What's the point? Why do I do this to myself? I could've been happy Owen, I was engaged. But I broke it off to come here... why? I didn't set out to become department head- I have no ties to Seattle, I was doing great in LA- but Meredith Grey calls and says hey, come up here in case Lexie decides to run off to Washington and I do it... like some blind puppy... And now I'm here, and I have to tell a mother of a little kid that his dad died, that her husband died... It's like hearing it for myself all over again. Why am I here? I'm a mess!"

When he was sure she was finished venting, Owen put his hand over hers. "You're not a mess. In the OR, talking with that patient..." he shook his head, "You weren't a mess, you were a top of the line professional. And... I don't know why you're here, but I have a little sister, she followed me like a little puppy dog too, and I think... if something happened to me, she'd want to know everything about me. She'd want to know my friends, my work... maybe this is what you're doing here, I don't know. But, I am glad that you are here. It's good, that you're here."

Amelia sniffed. She pushed the drink further away from her. "I don't need this."

Owen smiled. "You know, it's not raining... we could go for a walk."

"Yeah, I think I'd like that."


"Oh my God..." Maggie said as she stared at the scanned file on the computer. Patient admitted with wrist lacerations, it said, patient unaware of pregnancy.

"What?" Wilson asked peering over her shoulder.

"No!" she snapped the laptop shut. "This is private!"


"Sorry, I just... I saw something that I don't think I should've... Needless to say, I think I understand why Meredith can be a bitch."

"Hey! you're supposed to be on my side here!"

"I'm not on anyone's side, I just... I have so many questions, and I don't think Meredith is going to answer them." She ran a hand through her hair and sighed. "Wilkins, get me Richard!"

"Wilkins? It's Wilson! and I'm not some dammned secretary, call your own sperm donor father!"

Maggie smiled and shook her head. "Wow, that was- wow. You really brought the thunder there."

Wilson brightened at the compliment, "Thanks."

With that, Maggie stood up, "I'm gonna call a cab, Richard's probably in surgery."

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