Chapter 3

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A/N: Thanks so much guys! 72 views is amazing! Let's keep it going!


Jackson tore his yellow trauma gown off along with his gloves. It had been a a busy morning with the house fire and all, and he had to deal with a woman who had severe burns to more than fifty percent of her body. He honestly wasn't sure if she would make it. Wilson was with her now, cleaning and debriding the wounds. Now that the patient was stable, he thought it best to pick up his four-year old son Noah from daycare for lunch before he would be spending the day growing skin for his new patient.

"What should we have to eat?" He took Noah's hand as they headed to the cafeteria.

"No cawotts," Noah replied seriously.

"No carrots? But carrots are good for you."

"No cawotts." Noah repeated.

Jackson knew to pick his battles, so he didn't argue. He picked different foods from the cafeteria's selection, paid for it, and sat down at the table. "Alright, lets see here..." Jackson murmured. He picked up a ham and cheese sandwhich, set it on a plate and cut it into quarters. "How about ham and cheese?"

"Ham and cheese!" Noah repeated excitedly, reaching for a piece of the sandwhich. Jackson also had a bite of the sandwich.

"Where's mommy?" Noah asked.

"Mommy's working," Jackson said. April had been held up by another trauma, and while he worried for his pregnant wife, he wasn't going to hover... she hated that. He trusted she knew her body and what she could handle.

Noah readily accepted that answer, used to it by now and he sat up on his knees in the chair and reached for some grapes, his large light eyes watching the goings on of events in the cafeteria.

Noah had been... unexpected. To Jackson, Noah was a reminder that life was short. People died, babies were born, and love could be made from the smallest strands of friendship.

Five years ago:

"Umm, you can stay in Izzie's old room, second upstairs on the right," Meredith said, as she stepped aside for Jackson to come in. "April's room is beside yours."

"Kay, thanks for this," Jackson replied. The move had been sudden, since Percy and Reed passed away, it was hard to be in their old place without them.

Meredith nodded. "Just keep it down, Alex just got back and he's still recovering."

"Sure," He looked at Meredith and swallowed. She just looked devasted. "Are you okay?" He asked.

"I- " She looked down at her hands, "Can I get you anything? A drink or something?"

He acknowledged her attempt at avoidance. Of course she didn't want to talk. Talking led to feeling and feeling led to breakdown. Instead he hefted his bags and looked up the stairs. "I'm okay, I'll just go get settled." He carried his bags upstairs and plopped them on the empty bed. Jackson sighed. The funerals for Percy and Reed were tomorrow. He'd have to find his black suit.

A strange sound echoed down the hall. Was someone crying? Another noise. A sob. At first he wondered if it was Meredith, but it was too high pitched, he thought. He stepped into the hallway. "April?"

April's room was only two strides away and the door was open. He stopped in the doorway. His friend's small form sat in the middle of the unmade bed, knees drawn to her chest, her head down as her body shook with sobs.

"Hey," Jackson greeted softly.

April looked up with big tear-stained eyes. When she saw him, she sniffed loudly and wiped her tears with her forearm. There was so much feeling in that expression, Jackson could hardly bear it.

Lost and FoundOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora