Amelia Wilson

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"Gran." I called, as I entered the kitchen, my eyebrows raised up in a 'what-do-you-think-you-are-doing' expression when I saw her trying to put a brownie in her mouth discreetly.

Clearly, not discreet enough.

I pulled a chair for myself and sat down facing Gran with a stern expression. She huffed lightly, crossing her arm in front of herself acting like a child who was not allowed to have candies. I don't see a lot of difference between the two scenarios but nevermind

"Dearest grandmother, you happen to have something called diabetes. Oh, and a condition where you are unable to understand the severity of the situation when the doctor strictly told you to not have sweets, in any form whatsoever." I took the lid, closing the container filled with brownies, giving Gran the look.

Seriously, where does she even hide all this?

"Amy.." she started, her voice soft. The one she usually uses when she wants to pursue me to get her work done.

"No gran, don't even bother. It's of no use. You're not having any brownies. You are not a kid, gran. You need to take care of yourself." I said in one breath before she could even try to convince me otherwise.

I gave her a big smile when she muttered a small, almost inaudible "Fine" under her breath.

I nodded my head, grabbing a plate and something that looked like a distorted discolored french toast. I couldn't tell if it was overcooked or if it was a survivor of some fire accident.

I cleared my throat, smacking my lips together in poor attempts to hide the displeasure-filled expression. "Gran, did uhm" I kept it down on my plate, looking at her with a small smile," Did you cook this?"

She nodded her head, with a wide smile. "Martha needed a holiday to go meet her daughter and since I don't get a lot of chances to cook for you I decided to make you one of these." She said, still smiling sweetly.

Too sweetly.

"What exactly is this?" I murmured, looking at the dreaded food on my plate.

I can do this. It can't possibly taste that bad, can it? 

I took a deep breath, reluctantly taking a bite, the terrible taste already taking over my taste buds, instantly making me regret many life decisions.

I did my best to hide the awful expression. Chewing on it felt like chewing on clay, its taste was not describable. Gran looked at me eagerly, knowing well enough how good her cooking is. She was enjoying this a little too much. "Did you like it?"

"Oh yeah, I loved it, gran. Loved it." I managed to say. Still trying to swallow the darned thing. She clapped her hands excitedly, "I knew you'd love it."

Before she could say anything else, her phone rang, making me sigh in relief. She looked at me apologetically and excused herself to take the call.

The moment she walked out of the dining room, I grabbed a napkin, spitting the thing in it and coughing lightly. "Dear lord.." I muttered while putting a brownie in my mouth, taking another long sigh of relief.

I looked at my phone as the screen lit up and looked at a message from one of my best friends, Mia. 'I'll meet you at school. Adriano is giving us a ride.'

"Alright then." I picked up my bag and grabbed the car keys getting out of there before Gran could come back.

"I'm going to school, Gran." I said loud enough for her to hear in the other room. I walked out of the house once I got an 'Okay honey' from her.

I walked towards my car, trying to keep the intrusive thoughts at bay. I don't want anything ruining my first day of senior year but of course, when has my mind ever cooperated?

I shook my head, hoping that will help in shaking off the thoughts from my head as well, and got in the car, keeping my bag in the passenger seat and putting on the seatbelt, ready to start a new day and another year in high school.

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