
Start from the beginning

"Change" Arlo demands for the umpteenth time.

"I'm not changing again, Arlo. I've done it seven times already" I snapped, frustrated with his antics. I seriously don't know how much I could take any longer.

"You can't go to that party tonight" he suddenly says, chucking an orange dress at me which I clumsily caught just before it hits the ground.

"And why not? I told Melody that we're coming and I already informed her we'll be leaving out soon"

"My dad invited us to a family gathering tonight"

"Why didn't you say something earlier this week? You always do this shit waiting for the appointed time to say something as if I don't have anything doing" I exasperated, discarding the outfit I had on for this one.

"After the dinner we can go to this party of yours. I'd really like my family to meet the girl I'm planning on marrying"

I blinked, "M-Marrying?" I stammered out.

He nods, smiling.

"Arlo I'm clearly not ready for marriage...we both aren't. I never gave you the idea that I was"

His smile immediately fell, "you never thought of us getting married?"

I shook my head, "Marriage is a huge commitment, one which we both aren't ready for. You haven't been yourself for these past few weeks Arlo and honestly I just don't know who you are anymore. The struggle of not knowing if I can talk to you is real because at this point I don't wanna annoy you, but everything I do seems to do so"

"Put on your shoes we're leaving" he growled, his shoulder bumping against me, and I couldn't help but look up into his expressionless face as he marched past me. He didn't even look at me...

Everytime I address something that bothers me I become the problem. I'm really getting tired of this shit. I can't even have a serious conversation about myself to him without him getting angry.

We're all just a bunch of addicted struggling with the drugs of our choice.

As soon as we arrived at his house I immediately felt the need to just turn around and leave before it's too late.

If the rest of his family happened to be anything like his mother, Arlo's little dream of us being married won't be happening anytime soon. Or ever. Not that I wanted it to in the first place.

"Remi, my dear it's great to see you again" Mr. Mitchell greets me warmly.

Sending him an equally warm smile I responded with a simple likewise.

Ushering us inside Arlo slips an arm around my waist. I glanced up at him but his attention was primarily focused ahead.

I should be the one who's fucking pissed.

"Our guests are here" Mr.Miller announced as soon as we arrived at the table which made everyone cast their attention to us.

No one said anything. they just stared.

Their stares were anything but welcoming; it was as if they were chasing me away with their eyes. "You don't belong here" they're eyes said and if it was back then I'd tell them otherwise but now I completely agreed.

I truly didn't belong here.

"I want her out of my house this fucking instant!" Aletha screams, her sudden outburst frightening me.

I'm sure my wide eyes were enough to give away my shaken up appearance.

Arlo's grip tightened significantly causing me to wince from his nails sinking into my hips. But he did nothing as he stared down his mother who refused to back down.

I knew coming here was a bad idea but whatever Arlo wants he fucking gets. Even if it meant hurting me.


"Don't fucking mother me. Unless you break it off with her I don't want you steeping a foot inside this household!" She fumes no longer sitting but standing point a manicured finger in my direction.

"I'm not staying here Arlo" I declare trying to pry his hand from my waist but my efforts were useless as his grip didn't waver.

"Remi hasn't done anything to you to deserve this hatred mother. If you try and get to know her then maybe you'll—"

"I'm not wasting my time trying to get to know that black bitch. If she doesn't leave right now I'll call the cops on her for trespassing"

My nails dug into the palm of my hands, and my teeth sunk into the flesh inside of my cheek. I glared at Arlo, I didn't want to be here yet I still made the effort to come only to be confronted as a black bitch.

There was only so much I could take. And disrespect was clearly not one of them.

Wrapping my fingers around his wrist I tore his hands away from my body. "I'm so sorry that I'm not up par with your fucking ludicrous standards Aletha", I spat icily making her eyes bulge out of their sockets, " but if I'm going to be treated like crap for dating your son you can fucking have him. I'm done with your bullshit. You can fucking kiss my plump black ass"

"Y—you bitch!" She screeches.

"Thank you. Thank you so fucking much. Because sometimes you have to be a bitch to get things done. You'd make a fine one too. After all, you do love barking. Don't stop on my account, continue it suits you the best. Try not to fucking choke on your soup you white washed bitch"

Turning on my heels I left giving Mr.Mitchelle a small nod, who warily nodded back before returning his attention to his dumbstruck wife.

"I need a drink...or maybe ten" I murmured to myself as I stepped outside making my way towards the parked vehicle.

"Remi I didn't know my mother would—"

Leaning against the car door, I held up my hand cutting Arlo off. I didn't think he'd actually follow me.

"We did what you wanted so now it's my turn to do whatever the fuck I please"

He wordlessly unlocked the doors and I made my way towards the passenger seat.

I was officially done with whatever this was.

I was officially done with whatever this was

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𝐌𝐫. 𝐒𝐲𝐧𝐧On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara