The Sleepover

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Oh my god! Why did I just say that? And why did Aaron say he wanted to make a movie with me!? I'm probably so red right now!

"Yeah that would be really cool huh?' I said, still red. Aaron nodded at me. Wait a second..why are we so close to each other?! I immediately readjusted myself so that we were no longer so close.

"Hey Bree? Do you um wanna stay over for tonight?" Aaron signed. What...? Oh god! "Sure!" I said to quickly and high pitched. "But do you mind if I go get Bailey first? I don't want to leave her with my neighbor all night." I chuckled, nervously.

What is wrong with me? He's my friend! "Sure" Aaron signed, calmly. "Okay great! I'll be back!" I gabbled. Aaron nodded like always.

Right when I got to the car, I texted Emma.
Thankfully Emma responded


Emma: You're right! I have to meet him first!

Aubrey: >:/ Don't.

Emma: Okay sorry! Geez! What did you say? You said yes right?

Aubrey: DUH! I'm going to pick up Bailey now! This is so embarrassing! What if he asks me to sleep with him? I'm not ready for that!

Emma: Girl, chill. He won't ask he's a shy kid as it is! Being around you isn't helping, if he asks be urself and say no

Aubrey: I had a stroke reading that.

Emma: To bad! I'm helping Erik with his gf problems bai!

Aubrey: Whatever 👋
I was beyond embarrassed. What is wrong with me!? He's my friend! Maybe I'm being too hard on myself. I haven't know him for that long, geez is it normal to freak out about stupid things?

The one time I had a boyfriend it was a train wreck. I saw him kissing another girl the second day we were dating. Better yet it was two days away from my birthday. I didn't cry much but I was super mad.

    "Hey Autumn!" I greeted. "How was Bailey?" Autumn smiled. "She was a princess." I smiled back. "Great! Thanks again for watching her! I'll be heading out now, I'm going to my friends house.

Autumn grinned. "Anytime dearie! A "friend" aye? Have a good night!" Autumn  said. "Thanks! You too!" I replied.

When I got to Aaron's house I hesitated. Okay breathe, be yourself. I saw that the gate was open, so I walked in. I got ready to knock but Aaron was already there.

"You took awhile." He signed. "Sorry, I um-" I paused trying to think of a excuse. "It's fine. Do you want something to eat?" Aaron asked, thankfully interrupting me.

"Sure" I responded. "Okay does chips sound good? I know we ate a lot of popcorn, but if you want something else I can get it for you." Aaron signed.

    "Chips sound good "I replied, smiling. Aaron is so sweet. "I brought food for Bailey, is it okay if I borrow a bowl? If not its okay, I can um..." I said trailed off. Not knowing what'd I do if I couldn't use a bowl.

"Of course you can use a bowl, let me get one for you." Aaron signed. Before I could respond he went into his tiny kitchen.

This isn't too bad.
We talked about a whole bunch of random things, while a tv show played in the background. I learned that Aaron's favorite color is blue, he loves animals, and he wants to travel to Italy one day.

The whole time we were laughing and having a great time. We were talking about our memories and then he asked "So why did you move here?" I stopped breathing. Should I tell him?

"Um my life was pretty bad at my old town." I tried to laugh but it came out like a dry cough. I knew he was going to ask why and I was prepared to tell him. But surprisingly he didn't ask, he just nodded.

So I continued on. "My boy,- well ex boyfriend, drowned in a lake l..l-ast summer." Before I continued Aaron brought me closer and grabbed my hand, something we've done a lot lately.

"People say he forgot swim bu-bu-but that makes n-n-no since beca-use he was a great swimmer." I stuttered, not wanting to cry in front of Aaron, but a few unknowing tears slipped out.

"So I-I moved here.. for a fresh start. I-I know it sounds st-stupid but I feel like ev-everywhere I went I heard and saw him. I mustered, crying softly now. Aaron brought me closer and signed "It's okay, I'm here."

I was probably blushing but I couldn't help it. I that point I knew, I wanted to be friends with Aaron for forever...

To be continued...

I am so sorry for the wait, I've been super busy! I lost motivation for this story but I really wanted to finish this chapter! Hopefully I can get back to weekly. updates. Also Happy Pride Month! Sorry for any grammar/spelling errors! Thanks for reading and have a amazing day! (Word count 886)

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