I think I'm already in love

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Ugh, I hate pulling weeds. Why is this a thing. I swear- "Woof! Woof!" What the- "Bailey no! Bad dog! Stay!" That can't be good. I went to see what all the noise was about when I saw her. She was gorgeous. She had brown eyes and brown long hair. She was pretty tall, and was sweating. She stared at me, embarrassed.
"Oh my god I'm so sorry! My dog-" She paused probably realizing how weird I looked right now, covered in dirt. "She got off her leash and, ran into here" She paused again, hesitating. " I'm sorry." Now if I could of responded, I would of. But of course I couldn't. She must of realized because her expression changed. "Oh my gosh, I forgot you couldn't talk."She said mumbling at the end.
It's worth a try right? It's okay I signed. Hoping she knew sign language. Her whole face lit up. "So what's your name?" She questioned, her face full of embarrassment. "I'm Aubrey, and this is Bailey." "Aaron" I signed, glad that she knew sign language, but also slightly embarrassed. It's been awhile since I've talked to anyone. She probably thinks I'm a complete weirdo. But then again she was the one who came into my yard.
"Cool" She said clearly struggling to think of something to say. "Well I better get going, bye Bree." Oh god. Did I actually call her Bree? What is wrong with me? "Oh okay by Aaron" Bree said. Was it just me or was she blushing?
I still couldn't comprehend what happened between me and Bree. Was she weirded out? Or embarrassed. I could of sworn she blushed. Maybe she was just embarrassed about her dog. Yeah probably. Or maybe not...
"That'll be $10.76 said the cashier, sighing. I just nodded my head. Which was a mistake because he looked at me with pity. Why do people even do that? I wondered. "Oh look if it isn't the mute kid!" Nope not today. I took off with a brisk walk turning into a run. I ain't dealing with that right now. I wasn't paying attention and ran into someone, Bree. Wait Bree! Oh crap. I thought, while groceries flung everywhere.
"Oh god! I'm so sorry-" She said cutting off. Realizing who she ran into. "Oh hey Aaron, um sorry about your groceries. Bree said standing up. "It's fine" I signed, also standing up. "Here let me help you" Bree offered. I didn't say anything because she was already picking stuff up. I grabbed my bag and she put everything that wasn't ruined in it. She threw away everything else and turned back to me " Sorry again" Bree said. "It's fine Bree. I didn't really need it." Even though I kinda did need it, I'll just come back later. Bree still looked sad though. "It's all good, it was also my fault." I signed. Trying me make her feel better. "I still feel bad though" Bree stated. "Okay, well I better get going. See you later I guess." "Wait! I was wondering if I could have your phone number?"

To be continued...

Thanks for reading if you got this far! This was a little shorter because I was struggling with Aaron"s pov. If you couldn't tell the bold (Example) is Aaron signing. Since he can't talk. Also shoutout to Summer278774 ! She is so nice and her books are amazing! You should go check her out! Sorry if there's any grammar/ spelling errors. And have a great morning/day/night! :D
P.S. Aaron doesn't have a picture yet, I have to find one.

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