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     "So, um Emma" I paused thinking how to word this. Luckily Emma stayed silent. "I'm actually scared of the um water" I stammered. "Because, my boyfriend, Mason was his name. Drowned about 4 months ago, in a river." I sputtered. Tears forming in my eyes. Emma didn't say anything but she grabbed by hand and squeezed it tight. So I kept going. "People don't know h-how it-it happ-end. But some-some people say he-he, F-f-forgot, how to sw-swim. I said, crying now.              Emma pulled me in for a hug now. "You don't have to keep going if you don't want. Also you don't have to come, we can go to the park!" Emma said, trying to lighten the mood.
"Okay" I managed. "Let me go get dressed.
"So how's you and Aaron going?" Emma teased. I gave her a confused look. "I told you we're aren't close" I said. "Sure" "So when's your birthday?" Emma asked, changing the subject. "June 19th. Why?" I questioned. " Oh just cause" Emma said. "Alright well when is your birthday?" "April 17th" "Okay well... race you to the swings!" I said taking off. "Hey!" Emma yelled, but also started to run.
I ended up getting there first, out of breath, but first. Emma ended up walking the rest after she saw me. "Unfair." Emma stated, giving me a glare. Clearly trying not to laugh. "You're just mad I won!" I explained, throwing in a little dance. "Whatever." Emma said rolling her eyes. "What time is it?" "Oh crap 4:50! I told Erik I'd be back at 3!" Emma panicked.
"Hey it's okay. Let's go, he'll understand."
As soon as we got to the shop, Emma ran in looking panicked. "Erik I'm so sorry! We lost track of time!" Emma explained. Erik rolled his eyes. "Emma it's fine, no one comes in anyway. Relief filled Emma. "Told you" I whispered to Emma, earning a glare. "I better get going. See y'all." I said. "Bye!" Emma said. "Bye Aubrey" Erik said, flatly.
I passed Aaron's house, wanting to visit, but I knew I shouldn't. We're not even that good of friends. I reminded myself. Maybe a peek wouldn't hurt. I thought turning into his yard. I realized his gate was slightly open. So I went in. "Aaron?!" I said knocking on the door. I heard a rumbling noise.
Then I saw Aaron. "Oh hey Bree. I didn't expect you." Aaron signed. "Sorry I was coming back from the, um shop, and decided to drop by. Is that okay? Aaron looked surprised. "Sure that's fine. Do you want to come in?" I hesitated. Aaron must of picked up on that because he signed, "You don't have to." "Sure I would love to come in" I said. Aaron opened his door wider and motioned me to come in.
"Wow" I said in awe. His house looked really old, like a cabin. The walls were made of round wooden poles. With pictures of all sorts of things. The floor was a tan carpet color, which was surprisingly clean. He had a long, brown couch in the middle of the room, and a small side table. He also had a big fireplace on the wall, and above it a small tv. It wasn't much but it was really cozy
"Do you live alone?" I asked. "Yes, my parents died, and my uncle moved." Right. Yikes what do I say to that? "Oh I'm sorry. You're place is really nice" What. Is. Wrong. With. Me? Who says something like that? "Thanks it's small, but I think it works." Aaron signed, ignoring the fact that I said sorry. "Do you want to the the other parts of the house?" "Yes!" I said ecstatically.
His house was so put together, it made me jealous. All of the colors matched and his furniture just someone worked. His bedroom was what really threw me off.
It had the same wall and floor pattern as the rest of the house. He had a huge loft where is bed was. Below that was a dark brown desk. Which had a bunch of supplies on it. It even had a printer! This was my dream bedroom. He had a huge window in his loft area and a red fuzzy carpet. "Can you come decorate my place please?" I half joked. He silently laughed.
"You should get going Bree" Aaron signed. Already? "Oh right, it's pretty late. Bye Aaron! Text you later?" I said, sounding sadder then I looked. "Sure Bye Bree" Aaron signed. I waved while walking out the door.

To be continued...

Welp that's chapter five! Sorry this took so long to get out. School is really long. 😕
I hope to get the next part out soon. Sorry for any grammar/spelling mistakes. Thanks for reading if you got this far! I hope you have a great morning/day/night! ☺️

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