Movies and Small Talk

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Why now? Why in all the time they could of shown up, it had to be now. I pulled Bree closer. We need to get out of here. "Aaron?" Bree whispered to me. "Who are those people?" She looked really confused and somewhat frightened. I signed back to her. "Jack, Liam, and Conner. Aka my cousin and his friends."

She looked surprised. "You mean your own cousin bullies you?" She signed back. That was the first time I've seen Bree sign. I nodded to her. "Unfortunately, yes."

"Hey cutie what's your name?" Conner asked to Bree. She glared at him. "None of your business jerk." It was nice to see her stand up for me. Guess we are friends then. "Playing hard to get eh?" Jack chuckled. "Come one dump this idiot and hang with us. We don't bite." Jack said smirking.

"Sure! I'll dump him for people I've never meant before and that are so cocky. Bree said sarcastically, throwing in a eye roll. She grabbed my hand. "Come on let's leave these insolent fools." She said and started walking away, dragging me along with her.

"Not so fast, cutie." Said Conner. Grabbing her other hand. "You do know that he has a girlfriend right?" Oh no. Bree turned to look at me, then back to Conner. "Okay...? Oh no! My friend has a girlfriend! Oh god! I'm so sorry Aaron! We can't be friends! Blah blah blah!" Bree stated sarcastically. I couldn't help but smile at her.

Liam chimed in. "Also he cheated on his girlfriend with a random person he meant at school." What is there problem. "Oh please don't act like you haven't cheated on someone. You have player written all over you." Bree stated confidently. "Also poop head let go of me." She said pulling out of Conners grip.

"Bye bye." She smirked. Still holding my hand she left, no one stopping her this time.
When we got to her car she finally let go of my hand. My hand felt empty without hers. "You have some explaining to do. Why do they bully you?" She asked, eyeing my hand again. I grabbed her hand, and smiled. She didn't smile back.

"Aaron stop distracting me, I need to focus of the road." She said, but she didn't let go. After slowing the car down she looked back at me, clearly expecting a response. "I don't know." Was the only thing I could muster. Why do they bully me? Cause I'm different? I don't even talk to them.

"Why didn't you say anything? Do you let them bully you?" She asked shooting me a glance. I didn't say anything. Looking down at the floor gave her my answer. "Aaron...." Bree started

     I still didn't say anything. I was tired. I gave her a weak smile. "It's okay Bree. Let's go back to my place, we can watch a movie?" I signed. "Sure, but I'm not letting this topic drop." She said softly. I just nodded at her in relief. Well that's over, for now.

     "So what we watching?" Bree asked. She finally dropped the topic of my cousin bulling me and now she was making popcorn. I shrugged at her. "What do you want to watch?" I signed. She shrugged back. "Hold on." I pulled out my phone.

    Good things to watch with a cute girl, who likes romance. I typed in the search bar. I clicked the first thing that came up. "The First And Second Date" Hm seems good enough. "The first and second date sound good?" She looked at me confused.

       "Did you just google movies to watch?" She asked smiling now. "You'll never know." I remarked. She started giggling, which, like always,  made me smile. She's so cute, and sweet. I'm so glad I meant her.

        "That. Was. The. Worst. Best. Movie. Ever." Bree stated. Somehow we got so close that our knees where touching, and we were holding hands for the third time today. I mean not that I was keeping track or anything.

    "You lost me at that," I joked. "No I mean it's just, the plot was amazing. But the characters were really under developed. Like I already forgot the characters names!" Bree complained. I would tell her the names but I wasn't even paying attention to the movie. I was staring at Bree the whole time.
      "What about you? Was it good?" Bree asked looking at me. "Needs work. It could become something better." I signed, completely making up something with the information she told me. "Exactly!" Bree exclaimed.

     "We should make a movie! We could be the main characters that fall in love-" Bree said pausing. Wait a minute... Bree's face was a tomato, and mine was getting there.

       "Th...that's not what I meant," Bree stammered. I smiled at her. "It's okay Bree. I totally agree we should make a movie." I signed, partly joking. If only movies were real....

To be continued...

Sorry this was so short! Also the movie isn't a real movie! I just put the first words that came to mind on the page. Quick check in! Have you drank any water? If not after you finish this chapter go get a cup or bottle of water! Have you eaten anything? Go get a small healthy snack to eat while reading this! Have you told yourself how beautiful and amazing you are? No? Well you are! Thank you so much for reading! It makes me so happy! Sorry for anyway spelling/grammar mistakes! I hope y'all have a amazing day!

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