Getting to know her

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     I felt bad for making Bree leave, but I was tired and embarrassed. She actually liked my place. I thought to myself. I wonder why she was so sad, that she had to leave. We're not that close, right?
When I finally woke up, it was 12 pm. Yikes I was tried. I thought. I decided to check my phone, maybe Bree texted me. I was right.
Bree: You okay? You looked really tired yesterday. Also good morning! 😃
Okay so she definitely realized. I pondered.
Aaron: Yeah I'm fine also good morning to you to. She responded immediately.
Bree: I was wondering if you wanted to come to the beach with me?
Bree: Bailey would come to.
I really wanted to but I didn't know if it was a good idea. What if I embarrass myself? I'm overthinking.
Aaron: Sure
Bree: Okay! What time do you want me to come over?
Bree: To like walk to the beach and stuff.
She sounds embarrassed. I smiled at the thought. Maybe we can be friends.
Aaron: Whatever works for you.
Bree: 1?
Aaron: Sure
Bree: See you then!
Aaron: Okay bye Bree
Bree: 👋
Why oh why did I say yes? This might be fun though. Ugh what's wrong with me?
   Ding dong. What? I thought. She's a hour early?! I thought with a panic. I'm no where close to being ready! I put on shoes and ran to the door, getting ready to tell Bree I needed more time. But instead of Bree I saw the... mailman. You've got to be kidding me. I couldn't help but notice I got sadder when I realized that it wasn't Bree. "I need you to sign here." The man said. What? I didn't order anything. I held my finger up to the man to indicate one second, and took off. Crap. Where is my whiteboard?
After what felt like forever, I finally found it. When I got back to the man he looked annoyed and was on his phone. I wrote on the board. I didn't order a package sir. Making sure to use my manners. "What's your address?" He said with a sigh. I wrote out my address and handed it to him. His expression changed instantly after he saw it. "Sorry dude, wrong house." He said. But he didn't sound too concerned. I waved him off and went back inside. It was already 12:08. I better get ready. I thought, with a smile.
   "So what's um your favorite song...?" Bree questioned hesitantly. How do I tell her I don't know many songs? "I don't really listen to music much."I signed. "Oh! So um what do you do in your spare time?" Bree asked. Hmm. I hesitated. What do I do in my spare time? I then realized how boring I was.
"I like to read and hike." I signed. Bree raised her eyebrows. "Hike? That's cool. Where do you hike at?" "Just in my woods, behind my house." "Cool" Bree stated, clearing not knowing how to respond. "So what do you do in your free time"? I asked. She hesitated before responding. "I like to read and cook. I don't cook often but it's so fun." Bree said smiling. "What books do you read"? I asked. "Romance, and sometimes comedy." She said looking embarrassed. "Oh that's cool I read mystery most of the time." I signed. She smiled "You should read "Pride and Prejudice." I smiled back at her and just nodded my head, having no clue what she was talking about.
By the time we were heading back to my house, it was 6 o'clock and Bailey was asleep in Bree's arms. "So this was fun right?" Bree asked. "Yeah we should hangout more." I said smiling, for who knows how many times today. She smiled back "Sure! If you want." Bree said. "Well I'll text you later okay?" I signed. "Sure, I should text back. If I'm not asleep." Bree stated. "Alright bye Bree." I signed. Smiling and waving to her. "Bye Aaron!" She grinned and went off, Bailey still in her arms.
To be continued...

Thank y'all so much for reading if you got this far! I actually haven't read Pride and Prejudice, but is it weird that I kinda want it to? Sorry for any grammar/spelling mistakes. And I hope y'all have an amazing morning/day/night! 🤗

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