"Silly boy, you made a messy now didn't you!"

Made a messy? Bro....are u for real? She got another spoon and I grabbed it again. I managed to keep the banana on there this time. It was like my whole body was numb. I was concentrating so much to try get it in my mouth but I just couldn't quite make it. She grabbed my hand and helped guide me in. I wanted to pull away but she pulled the spoon upwards. She smiled. She was pretty. Shit no! Why does life have to be this way! A pretty girl feeding me? I screamed angrily and began trying to get up, everyone just stared at me struggling. I imagined I looked like some toddler having a tantrum. I want my independence! She ignored me and got another spoonful and tried to put it in forgetting I actually needed to open my mouth.

"Open up" she said

while opening her mouth to indicate what I had to do. I sat there pouting until I opened my mouth. I opened and she popped the spoon in and pulled up then gathering the left of bits from around my mouth. She jokely played aeroplane, i kinda smiled.

"There aren't you handsome when you smile" she said while wiping my face.

She was funny. She was nice. I liked her.

"I'm Kerry"

She offered out her hand. I grabbed her fingers. My hand eye co-ordination was not good.

"Tom" I said back

"Well pleasure to meet you tom"

She made me feel normal, for the first time in a long while. She made me nervous. If I was normal I would flirt with her. I just stared at her. Smiling.

"You going to come for your bottle little man?"

Before I knew it, I was being unstrapped and sat on another of the students laps. I struggled, I was busy! I wanted Kerry not him. I was eye height to everyone now. Was strange looking at everyone socialise. While I was looking, I saw my old group of friends walk in with my "girlfriend" who was actually holding hands with another guy. It was like a kick to the chest. They looked over and saw me while this guy tried pushing down me down for a bottle. I tried slipping off his lap. This was embarrassing. I was trying to slip through his legs. He roughly grabbed me and sat me back on his lap. My old friends just gawping at the entertainment. He put his hand around my crotch so I couldn't slip down any more, he then forcefully shoved the bottle tip in my mouth with his other hand. It made me squeal as the nipple almost reached the back of my throat and I had to use all my tongue and jaw to just swallow my own saliva but with each time I did that more formula got squirted into the back of my throat. My old group of friends all just stared in shock. My ex just cringing. Her new boyfriend in shock I was actually her ex. Me on another dudes lap, his hand basically on my dick, bib with bottle in my mouth. I reckon everyone was staring at this point. My back was pinned to his body.

"Come on, eat up little one" he said

I moaned a little and tried pushing the bottle out of my mouth with my tongue but he held it firm. I grabbed is large hand that was holding my bottle. I'll feed myself. He bounced me up a little. I gulped. I sat just off his thigh. My legs spreading across both of his. The bottle so tightly rammed in my mouth my head was resting on the front of his shoulder. His large hand in between my legs, tightly pinning my crotch to him. My hand flexing grabbing the air. My legs lightly kicking in my annoyance. He squeezed the bottle and formula filled my mouth. With each gulp I made a little moan. I didn't want it. There was nothing I could do. I continued suckling. Watching everyone watching me take it. The milky formula began making me sleepy. I relaxed. He relaxed. He began turning me and I lay in the crook of his arm. He looked down at me.

"Hey there" he said softly

I relaxed and just stared up to him. He just carried on staring at me, rocking me. He stopped a few times to wipe my milky mouth then Forcefully putting the nipple back in my mouth.  I could feel my stomach start to bloat. I felt tiny. I felt like was baby. I was a baby. Just a big 1. I also felt warm and safe being in someone's arms. To be near to them. I suckled and actually enjoyed it. Forgetting my old friends were still staring at me. I curled my toes and I continued to feed on my bottle until it was done. The student then picked me up from under my arms and swung my legs round him. I laid my head on his shoulder, I was so weak. I was so sleepy. It was getting late. He began rubbing and patting my back. Trying to burp me. I personally thought it just felt nice some rubbing my back. I cuddled into his shoulder and got drowsy. The students around me were still drinking, laughing and eating. At 1 point in my life I would of enjoyed that but right now I'm actually just happy being a little baby again. I did a few silent burps which helped the bloating. I could feel I needed to pee. I couldn't be bothered to hold it in so I relaxed and released myself into my nappy. My stomach relaxed and the pressure went away. My nappy was now warm and wet. It was a little uncomfortable but in the moment I was just so sleepy I didn't care. I was being bounced lightly. The movement was so nice. I can't remember the last time I felt this good.

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