Pride in Punishment

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[Creda (Lilycada form)]


"Where am I?"

Platinum: You're in the Enclave now, notorious Ash. Next time, don't stalk my associates, even if they Mutated and started their own independent studies collecting genetic samples. *points to the yellow mouse in a cage next to the boy bound to the table* That means you too, "Buddy."

[The mouse squeaks defiantly, rams the front of the cage.]

Platinum: I'm going to administer the "Shiny Treatment," an appealing target for most human collectors. *injects a bright serum into the crook of the boy's left arm, he falls limp, she removes the restraints, and carries him to a spare cot, unlocks the cage, the mouse leaps to the boy's side* Dex, can you watch them for a bit? I need to blow off some steam.

Dex: Sure, Mistress. *Platinum storms off* I'm so sorry about her, Pikachu Buddy.

Creda: *peaks from behind some clutter* Is she gone? *Dex nods their organic eye, she steps into view* She still doesn't trust Electric-types? I can't believe she blew up because of me.

Dex: Not your fault, you were doing your job. Oh good, he's awake. *in the boy's place, a dark yellow mouse stumbles to their hind legs.* So this is the Shiny Treatment. Does she want to get them snatched? Maybe.

["Buddy" squeaks in disagreement, momentarily recognizes the darker mouse next to him.]

Dex: I should show you around. Mistress Platinum has plenty of Shinies in her collection. *gestures for the mice, who leap off the bed, to follow, Creda climbs on their shoulder*

Creda: Should we start with the deadbeats?

Dex: Absolutely not. Mind you, not all the punished get assigned Shinies. *whispers into their earpiece* Activate translation.

Creda: (addresses the dark tan mouse) We're gonna codename you "Goro," if that may suit you.

[Goro nods.]

Creda: Then it's set-

[A silver fox sprints in, firmly grasps Dex's lower right wrist in its jaws, and drags them along

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[A silver fox sprints in, firmly grasps Dex's lower right wrist in its jaws, and drags them along.]

Dex: Alright, Victoria, let me introduce Goro and Buddy first.

Victoria: *releases Dex and coos at the mice* "(Aw, aren't they adorable?)"

Dex: Indeed, they are. Would you mind showing us the other "Lizzes?"

Victoria: "(Yes.)" *points her snout forward* "(This way.)" *trots off, Dex, Goro, and Buddy follow*

[Victoria greets a Gardevoir with a blue helmet and a light orange chest blade, and a darker Kantoan Raichu.]

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