That was till she reached the main floor. She saw Optimus in his alt. Agent Fowler and the Commander were standing beside the mech. Koda let out a breath that she'd been holding and stepped forward to the men.

Agent Fowler stepped forward and took Kodas bag before hopping into Primes alt. He set the duffle bag down on the passenger side floor.

"I..." Koda started but was cut off as the Commander stepped forward and embraced her tightly.

The Commander took a step back and smiled softly, "I know. careful. Take care of Gipsy. I know she'll be in good hands."

Koda nodded and saluted, "It's been an honor serving with you Commander."

With that Koda walked over to the Peterbilt and hopped in. She set the bag on her lap and let out a sigh.

"Are you going to be okay soldier?" Agent Fowler asked as Optimus began driving.

"Yes...Yes sir."


(Three hours later)Also the Jaeger was transported via ground bridge. But the kids and their guardians haven't seen it yet. Except Raf.)

To say the drive was quiet, was an understatement. Fowler and Optimus would have a small conversation here or there but Koda didn't say anything. Well...that was mostly because she was asleep.

Her quiet snores and Optimus' engine were the only thing that kept it from being silent.

As they drove near the base Fowler nudged Koda, "Hey, it's time to wake up,"

Koda moved slightly and she opened her eyes to see that they were no longer at the military base. Rather on a highway. And in front of them, huge rocky mountains. Koda became slightly worried as Optimus didn't slow his speed when they drove off the road. She grabbed her bag tightly. Her heart rate elevated a bit and her breathing became faster.

As the rocky wall came closer and closer Koda held her bag even tighter.

Fowler chuckled, "So you can fight against aliens but get nervous over a wall?"

Koda glared at the agent, "Shut up."

The rocky wall then opened up into some sort of door. All the anxiety that had built up in those few moments was now gone. There was a tunnel just ahead of them and Optimus drove down in. Only to come into a huge building.

The old missile silo, just like Fowler said...

As Optimus came to a stop Agent Fowler jumped out of the driver's side. While Koda stepped out of the passenger's side, her duffle bag slung over her right shoulder. The woman looked around curiously.

"So this is the new firepower hm? Thought she would've been bigger," A olive mech asked as he walked over. Followed by a yellow and black mech. And a navy blue femme with pink highlights.

Koda was about to say something but Optimus transformed and spoke first, "Do not judge her by her size Bulkhead. Though small, she is powerful. Both physically and mentally."

The femme knelt down to inspect the human, "It'll be nice to have another femme out on the field. Names Arcee,"

Koda gave a two finger salute, "Koda."

There were multiple beeps that came from the yellow and black mech, "I'm not sure if you can understand me. But my name is Bumblebee!"

"I can understand you just fine Bee," Koda chuckled.

Optimus turned to Arcee, "Where is Ratchet?"

The three bots looked at each other, and laughed, "He's picking up the kids,"

Woman and Machine I (TFP & Pacific Rim )Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora