"That's Asher's Dad? He looks just like him and he's hot too!" Sutton's mouth literally drops.

I watch Kie nod in agreement. "They do look alike. Damn the genes are strong."

Mattie touches her heart, eyes softening as she melts in her chair. "Aw look at his son you guys. So cute."

I smile. She's right. But I snatch my phone from them because if I let Sutton have one inch, she'll take a mile and skip through my entire photo albums. "That's it. Tell me about your thanksgiving. How was Josh?"

Mattie stares at me like I've said something nasty. Okay maybe the way I said 'how's Josh?' might've seemed that way.

Kie gives Sutton her undivided attention as this topic is a strong suit of hers. "Yeah girl, how was Josh?"

"Stop looking at me like that ah!"She covers her face and breathes into her palms. After a giggle, she stares at us again and this time her cheeks are blazing red. "We stayed at this beautiful lake house and don't ask me where exactly because I have no idea and we watched the sunset in chairs. Josh would read my favorite books and I don't think you guys understand how attractive that is to me. He reads the smut scenes and everything and yes he's my dream guy. I still can't cook mac and cheese. How can someone mess up Mac and cheese? I did but his family loves me so it was okay." She rests an elbow on top of the table and the look on her face surely tells me that she's had a good time. "It was nice. I needed the break because now it's time to focus on finals."

Finals. Something to look forward to. The ache. The stress. I'm on the fence for all of that. Why do I miss it?

"Kie, you're up."

"I feel so single now." Kie laughs when the ball ends up in her court but she continues, "I fucked up my Mom's mac and cheese and collard greens. When I tell you my plate was spotless. It was spotless. I don't have a person so I didn't do as much as you guys but it was nice seeing my family again. I fought over Uno all weekend. That game always ends in tears and yes it's that serious."

"My turn. Lots and lots of snow. We went skiing and I might've taken a couple pictures with a bikini on with those high boots." Mattie slips her phone on the table and shows us exactly what she's talking about. Our mouths drop. Damn I got attractive friends. "The picture came out pretty but I was freezing. I had to be covered up and babied but I liked it. Mainly I went skiing, ate some good food, quality time and you guys know that's my type of thing." 

"Sounds like everyone had a good time."Sutton perks up. "Are we ready to order? The spinach and feta omelette sounds so good. I'm getting that." She waves over a waitress at our table. I don't recognize this one as she scurries on over tucking a strand of fiery red hair behind her ears.

Guess we're ordering breakfast for dinner.

While everyone tosses their orders out in the open, Kie decides to direct a serious question my way. "So, how's the copy cat thing going?"



I drop my stuff at the foot of the refrigerator and open the door to grab a drink. Beers that I'm sure belong to Tyler stand out at the top shelf followed by sports drinks, soda and water. When I'm downing a bottle of water to quench my thirst, a familiar voice pops up. "How long have you been fucking my sister?"

I almost choke. Wasn't expecting that. "She's the one that was starring in your shower fantasies isn't she?"

"Hello to you too Cole,"I clear my throat, greeting my teammate. "We haven't fucked. We're enjoying each other's company right now. Things got heated before Thanksgiving that's all. A little info for you, I'm sure you don't want the details."

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