Chapter 27: Halloween Dance

Start from the beginning

"Noted," I say and move to the single back door.  The sounds from the dance are muffled to a faraway vocal as I step outside.  The night is pitch black, but the sky is full of twinkling stars that dance above.  At least they seem to be having a better time than I am.

I turn the corner and look around; my arms break into goose bumps as I search for him, but my eyes land on shadows behind trees, the empty campus almost invisible in the darkness.

I'm about to reroute my steps when a figure steps out from under a shadow of the building.  Jimin lunges for me, arms wrapped around my shoulders and face buried into my chest.  I manage to catch him, but almost lose my balance in the process.

"Not now," I whisper in the dark.  "Wait until we get to the room."

I see a faint outline of him and his pout, but he releases me.  "Hurry up.  I can only act like a lightweight for so long.  It's exhausting being an actor, you know."

"I know," I reply dryly.

We sprint back to the humanities building and unlock the doors, barreling into the hallway like we're escaping a fire.  Only when we're in the safety of my classroom do we touch again.

Jimin reaches out for me.

I grab his wrists instead, locking him in place against my chest.  I press in close until my torso barely ghosts against his body, adrenaline pulsing through my body to the beat of my heart, filling my bloodstream until I'm seeing only his face.

I lead him by the wrists to the couch until his body falls against the pillows and under mine.  He lets out a small gasp as my forearm blocks him from turning away from me, zips of pleasure zing down the length of my cock as he turns his head away, exposing the smooth paleness of his neck.

I bring my teeth down without a second thought, and bite.  The sound of his moan echoes off the cinder walls and reverberating through the room.  My cock jerks to the attention and I lick the tips of my fingers before rubbing them across his flesh, soothing the area.

His breathing is heavy and his eyes flutter like the wings of a hummingbird.  My stomach tightens at his reaction, enjoying this way too much.  I pause, waiting for him to come back, but the silence rings louder than ever, just as I suspected.

"Do it again."

"You liked that?"

He tilts his head to look at me, his pupils dilated and desire spread across his features.  "You know what I like."

I lean down and press a soft kiss to his cheek.  Then to his nose.  Then to his lips.  "I know."

The moment itself is vulnerable, and I move to caress his arms down to his torso and stopping just before his waistline, returning the opposite way and repeating the motion.  It numbs him, and his mouth parts just the slightest where I kiss him.

When we break, I see that he hasn't closed his eyes, they're glazed over and fixated on me.

I stare back and he doesn't move from his position, like he's stuck in a spell that I've captured him in.  I slide my hand up his arm and snake my fingertips under the strap of his tank top.  "Is it good when I touch you here?"

"Y-yeah," he breathes.

With my free hand, I lower it to the loop of his jeans.  "What about here?  Is this okay?"

I feel his foot bend up and watch as he nods vigorously.  "That's good. . . "

My fingers dip between his thighs, slow and light, running along the seams of his jeans and ghosting over his cock.  The fabric stretches in front of me and I flick my gaze to him.  Seeing his mouth tremble and tongue peek out make me draw out my actions, tilting my hand up until my nails graze his inner thighs.

He inhales sharply and I lean in close until my nose brushes against his.  Then I use my palm to rub him through his jeans.  His body vibrates in response and a moan emits from him.  It's my new favorite sound and I lift a hand to his cheek, holding him and pressing a kiss to his skin.

Relaxing my forearm, I expect him to sit up, but he doesn't, choosing to stay on his back.  I sit on the edge and wrap my arms around his body, dragging him into me to hold him tight against my chest.

I feel his heart beat like a tiny bird and allow him to lean against me as I pet his hair, a sign that he did good being quiet.  His hands reach up and hold mine, intertwining fingers.  In a soft voice, he says, "We're a mess.  A catastrophic mess that is too bad to be good."

I hum, hooking my finger to his chin and tilting his head up.  "We are a mess," I say.  "But the truth is, you captivate me in ways no soul ever will."

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