Risk of life

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The both were running full over the living room and finally stopped running after getting tired, he held you by your waist. You were about to kiss him but when he stopped you.

Jk:- I am afraid I'll hurt you put of frustration..
Yn:- I won't force you then...
He left you.

TIMESKIP next morning

Tae  called Jungkook to tell him that Kris is not listening to him as he asked her to keep guards for her safety but she denied.So Jungkook decided to call and convince her.

On call

Kris:- Hello my brother
Jk:- Noona!! Why aren't you listening to Hyung??Keep some gaurds for now. It's important for your safety.You forgot,that you are the reason why Wang Shim was arrested??
Kris:- My lovely little brother you don't need to worry about me. I know well how to handle any type of situation so you don't worry!!
Jk:- Noona please...don't do this he is not like our other enemies...We should take him lightly...
Kris:- Yeah!!yeah I know... Kook... Jungkook..some cars are following me??
Jk:- What where are you??
Kris:- I am near the grocery store near our place...
Wang:- She is with me I will send you the address come there okay!!!
Jk:- Wang I won't spare you  if you did anything to Noona!!

Call ended.

Jk:- Take the next flight to Paris and leave don't call us until one of us do...
Yn:- I am not going anywhere...
Jk:- Yn!!!
Yn:- Please...Jungkook
Jk:- No!!Be ready.One of us have to be alive for our kids..
Yn:- Umm..okay

Your eyes popped out at his words while he rushed outside. He was so worried, mad and angry that he didn't even thought to call anyone to join him.He was driving car when he got a call it was no other than Wang.

On call.

Wang:- Yeah..the address I sent you don't go there come back home I thought I am as it is troubling you so I thought to reduce your problem...
Jk:- Say it in a clear way!!
Wang:- Your wife is really pretty don't worry I won't kill her...She is perfect to  be my  s*x slave.
Jk:- Wang!!You better watch your mouth..while talking about my girl.
Wang:- You watch my gun today..come fast you are the last one whom I will kill today..
Jk:- Dare to touch Noona or Yn!!!

Call ended.

At home

He rushed into the house when he saw that you and Kris were held by Wang's men while pointing gun on your head.

Jk:- Let them go!! Do you really require so many men to kill me and two women??
Wang:- You don't teach me what to do?? As it is today is your last day.
Your wife was about to leave but I reached on time and where are your kids I can't see them here??
Yn:- You will never find them!!
Wang:- Oh!! Miss.Kim We will talk later when we reach Thailand!! Kris I can spare your life if you also want to be my.......
Kris:- You bloody fuckin ass from the hell!! How the fuck did said that..drop your guns down and then I will show you what I am!!
Wang:- Yaaaah!! Jungkook your sister is really annoying but let me make you a bit weak so that you can see everyone dying and them me taking your wife with me!!

He said while his men already started hitting Jungkook making him weak.They tied him on a chair.

Wang:- Where are your friends forever and your dad. I didn't met him after killing your mom but now I realised that I shouldn't have killed her but take her with me to Thailand..
Kris:- You b**tard!! How dare you to say that about my mom??!!
Wang:- Kris!! Your voice is really annoying me don't force me to choke your neck...or wait I have a much better to shut you up..

He said and went closer to her and tried to forcefully kiss her when there was a gun shot in the air.

Tae:- Sorry Mr.Wang Shim but I don't really like it when people touch my things cause what is mine is just mine.. and Jungkook have gave me his sister as he took my sister so....
Kris:- Stop saying your dialogue and save us.
Wang:- Oh see Jungkook !! Your friend is here ?? Where are others ??Aren't they joining you the way to hell??
Tae:- That we will see ??Who will go to hell?? and who will live!!

Tae purposely kept talking with Wang so that yhe elders ones could untie you while quietly killing all his men around you and that foolish man didn't even came to know that they are fooling him.

Joonie:- Ms.Lee is waiting outside go with her both of you she will drop you  to the airport.
Jimin:- Yn once you are out of here don't you dare to turn back we will come to see you if possible.

You looked at him as his words were scaring me.

Jin:- Go out fast!! We won't give you fake hopes!!

You were still standing still finally Kris held your hand  to take you out but you still stipped and looked at Jungkook with teary eyes. He wasn't in condition to talk and so he just nodded when your remembered that he said that,one of you have to be safe for your kids..

Kris:- Yn come I will count 3 and then we will run got??
Yn:- Okay.
Kris:- 3....2....1..run!!

As she said this you both ran towards the main door where Tae and Wang was standing.

Wang:- Catch them they should go out!!

As he ordered his remaining few men left tried to catch you when the 6 men held all of them

Hobi:- Go away!!

You both ran outside as you both came there were number of gunshots inside.

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