he stared at you in disbelief, and you returned the same glare. You haven't seen him since that night, so he brought back memories you didn't want to think about. What was he doing here? Why was he covered in blood?

"what have you done?" he uttered. His voice was hollow. Almost like he'd just witnessed something horrid.

you were confused. but his tone made you scared. he was terrified, no doubt about it. "Why- what? what're you talking about?"

he pointed down at your hands, which were a bloody mess. "what have you done.." he repeated, voice shaky.

You didn't notice your hands being bloody before. This sent you into a slight state of shock. What the..?

"WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?! WHAT DID YOU DO?" he repeatedly screamed those words, pointing a bloody finger in your face

all you could do was run away. you ran until you found an exit. ran until you found somewhere better than this place.

looking back behind you to see if you were being followed, you lost your balance and fell. except the ground didn't catch your body. you kept falling and falling. all you could see was a red sky surrounding you, as a sharp breeze ran through the air. that breeze was gravity pulling you down.

There was nothing to grab. Nothing to pull you back to the surface. nothing to stop the human body from hitting below in mid-air. No one to save you. There was no one to save you.

You continued to fall which felt like forever. The fear suffocating your chest disappeared once you accepted fate. This was the end.

But, when you landed, it once again wasn't on the ground. instead, it was water. cold, pitch-black water. It shocked your body enough for you to freeze. Chills ran throughout your body as you desperately swam up.

you couldn't see a thing. Ripping your hands through the water for seconds felt like hours. you kept swimming up until you reached oxygen. you didn't know if you could hold your breath for much longer, then finally, you reached the top and-


sprouting up in bed, all you could do was gasp for air while grabbing your chest. a single tear formed in your eye, but it didn't fall. the heart inside your chest was fast-paced, so you took a deep breath closing your eyes to slow it down.

It was just a dream. It was just a dream. You reassured yourself

Still in bed, you regained full consciousness staring down at your lap. while one hand still desperately grabbed your chest, the other squeezed the mattress below you.

"you were having a nightmare." hisoka said sitting at the edge of your bed

he didn't startle you, as this was a normal habit of his. you finished slowing your breathing to address him. "When are you going to start knocking instead of inviting yourself into my room?"

"I did knock this time. but you didn't respond after a while. so I came to see if you were alright~" he argued

"I'm fine." you quickly shut him down. Getting out of bed, you rushed to the bathroom to throw water on your face.

"you know," hisoka uncrossed his legs "you had a lot of nightmares at your house before we left for Greed Island as well," he told you.

you ignored him. you didn't want to think about it. you just wanted to forget about the nightmares as soon as possible.

throwing water onto your face, hisoka stood up and crossed his arms. "You had more at home than you're having here. Although, those weren't as severe as this one." he pushed "Are you sure you're alright?"

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