chapter 111111111

334 11 91

Twerks POV:
I sit on my highchair and stare at my food. I'm not feeling hungy or hangry, I guess it's bc I've been feeling super insecure at my new college ;(

Nobody but my bestie westie kyel sits with me while I eat so I'm all alone bc hes studying in our room that smells like unwashed lettuce and I don't have other bestie westies bc I'm only 3 feet tall and one of the only male omegas at mi school :'(

I only get weird looks and ppl call me a spazzy lil twink which makes me wanna cry |||>'~'<....

even tho ik how to box I've forgotten how and seemingly only know how to throw boxes at my opponents now!!!

So anyways I sat there eating my Graham crackers that DONT have cinnamon dust on them (smh) and was listening to the 'what is logical?' Meme on loop 😔

When all of a sudden some goofy girl with a cake thick face full of crayons- I mean makeup handed me a strange card!!!

It read hey spazzy twink we're having a party for female betas/omegas and for male omegas/betas... we might invite some alphas so meet us in dorm room 666 on the second floor at 3:00 am 🤪🤪🤪

I looked at the note flabbergasted I mean how tf did they make the emojis slanted... WAIT HOW DID THEY GET EMOJIS ON THE INVITATION- WTF!?

but I was sooooo tired of being lonely bc kyel was always studying in our musty dorm and when he did take a break we watched cocomelon for like 30 minutes before he went back to his goofy text books 🤓 ,he's such a UWU workaholic ughhh I thought to myself twitching slightly

Then I looked up at the goofy gurl and told her I was going to teleport there and bring kyel along too (bc I was going to drag his smol 2 feet tall ass out of our crusty dorm 🤪)

Then I realized the goofy gurl was actually baba Stevie, DaM wHaT hApPeNeD to HeR, I thought to my shaking self but then before I could say she had L rizz, she and her curly fried rupaul wig of hair and hot cheeto dust covered fingernails said "okie see ya there sister " "and I oop! Skskskskskskks" 💅💅💅 oh yeahhhh I forgot to tell yall she was a visco gorl now 😦 like ew wtf

After she left I slowly got off my high chair & grabbed the rest of my Graham crackers and left the room which took forever bc I have such smol legs 😭
End of first chappy hoped yall enjoyed 😉/449 words~

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