Chapter 12

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Nobody pov

???? years ago

Looking over a battlefield a female figure stands looking out at the death and destruction left by a three way war. However across this battlefield were nothing but the bodies of humans. 

???: "Dead.... all of them are dead.... dammit!"

The person cursed as they fell to their knees punching the ground as two male figures stood behind them

???2: "How much longer will this last, angles, devils and fallen will wipe out humanity for their war!"

???3: "It sickens me to see this" one of the male figures crouches down feeling the dead earth beneath them

???: "With those two dragons joining the fighting things will only get worse. I think its time we use drastic measures to end things"

???3: "You cant possibly mean what I think you mean?"

???: "What other choice do we have, we can end things once and for all this way. You two don't have to join if you don't want to, after all I brought you back without considering your feelings...."

???2: "We've stood with you this long because we understand you and why you did it, we aren't going to leave now"

???3: "Indeed"

???: she tears up a bit while smiling "Thank you, both of you." looking down at her hands she clenches them into fists "Aura, Rory its time to end this war once and for all"

Aura: "I am with you, Tsunade"

Rory: "As am I, things are getting rather exciting after all~"

Tsunade: "We do this for our children, grandchildren and future generations of humanity. Now lets move forward its time for this war to end!" her left hand irritates a golden light that forms into a beautiful golden blade 

Present day

Y/n pov

I was in the most relaxed state a person can be, complacently asleep without a care in the world. Unfortunately due to some shifting in my bed I started to wake up. Opening my eyes i see the one thing I defiantly didn't expect to see, breasts, bare breasts in my face. Feeling my face become hot I shoot up out of bed allowing me to see who they belong to, Rias. It seems that my sudden movement woke her up as well as her eyes opened and she sat up.

Rias: "Y/n, good morning~"

Y/n: "M-morning, question. Why are you in my bed?"

Rias: "You were asleep when I arrived and I decided to join you, I couldn't help myself and felt like sleeping with you as a hug pillow"

Suddenly she pinned me down getting on top of me increasing my blush. 

Rias: "We still have time, do you think something sexy would help deepen our bond, my golden knight~"

Y/n: "A-as tempting as that is id rather not have an audience, also we have morning training to do"

I look past Rias seeing Aura with a small camera hiding in the corner flinching when our eyes make contact. 

Rias: "I don't mind, but if it makes you uncomfortable I won't force you" 

Rias then leaned down kissing me on the neck witch lasted a moment before she finally got up and dressed leaving me to do the same. I then sent a death glare at Aura giving me a sheepish smile.

Y/n: "What exactly were you planning on doing with that camera if I decided to accept Rias's offer"

Aura: "O-oh nothing...."

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