Chapter 9 Training

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At this time all of the ORC members are hiking up a mountain with Issei looking more exhausted then the rest as he has a large pack on his back. They all had 10 days to train before the rating game with risers peerage.

Rias: "Just a few more feet now"

Issei: "Coming" he replies being a little out of breath

Asia: "Should I get some of those bags for him?"

Rias: "he'll will be fine, he needs to learn to carry that much on his own"

Just then Kiba passes Issei with a similar sized bag.

Kiba: "On your right"

Issei: "did they give you feathers or something?!"

Koneko then passed Issei with a very large bag

Koneko: "Move it"

Issei: he then fell backwards "I hate this!"

Issei was helped up by Y/n who had several bags on his own back carrying the with no issue. 

Y/n: "I know I said you were out of shape before but this is ridicules, still your doing better then when I started hiking with a bag"

Issei: "You've done something like this before?"

Y/n: "Well...."


A 8 year old Y/n is seed with a pack three times his size on his back as he struggles to carry it up a hill. 

Y/n: "Stupid heavy bag!" he groans out

Tsunade: "C'mon Y/n were almost there"

Y/n: "I would be moving faster if this bag wasn't so heavy!"

Tsunade: "Oh relax I gave you the smaller one unless you wanna switch" she pointed to a large bag on her back being twice the size of what Koneko carried

Y/n: "....I'm good thanks"

(Flashback end)

Issei: "Was your grandmother a monster!"

Y/n: "She was a strong lady..." he let out a nervous laugh

It wasn't long before they reached there destination, a beautiful looking house/ mansion. 

Rias: "Alright lets head inside and start on training"

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Rias: "Alright lets head inside and start on training"

Issei: "Already?"

Y/n: "We are kinda on a time crunch Issei"

We then see the inside of one of the rooms where the boys are changing. 

Issei: to kiba "Hey I've got a question, ya know how you said that stuff ablut hating fallen angles. You never really explained what happened to make you feel that way and I was kinda curious"

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