Chapter 6

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Currently in the ORC club room Y/n was seated on one of the couches with a small book in hand with a seemingly home made cover blocking the title of it. Kiba and Koneko were in the middle of a game of chess while Asia watched. Rias was just bringing up the topic of training for Issei and Y/n. 

Issei: "Early morning training?"

Rias: "Your fight with the fallen angles made one thing clear, we need you both in top physical condition as soon as possible"

Y/n: "It has been a while since i've done some real training so i'm all for it"

Issei: "Oh great"

Rias: "Ill pick you both up in the morning, five sound good"

Y/n: "No complaints here"

Issei: "Five sounds nuts, I mean that sound fine. Well I'm off to pass out fliers" 

Y/n: "I think I should get home myself, my contract was small so I hope there's no issues with me heading out early"

Rias: "None at all see you tomorrow" watching as Y/n leaves she looks to Asia "Now then Asia"

Asia: "Umm yes?"

Rias: "Lets talk about sleeping arrangements"

(Time skippy)

Its now the next morning and we see Rias on a bike with Y/n and Issei running in front, Issei seeming to have a bit of a harder time keeping pace while Y/n is able to run with no problem.

Y/n: "C'mon Issei you run like a school girl, we just started"

Issei: "This so isn't fair how are you able to run so easily"

Y/n: "Its called getting regular exercise"

Rias: "Y/n is right Issei, I figured you needed some work but you can do better then that"

We then cut to the three stretching at a park with Rias helping Issei while Y/n is able to stretch with no problems.

Rias: "Listen up, in the world of devils intelligence doesn't matter as much as strength so you gotta get stronger in mind and body"

Issei: "Sounds good to me" he then gets a perverted thought only to be stretched a bit to far and let out a scream

Y/n: "Seriously you are kinda out of shape"

Issei: "Shut up!"

Now flash to the biys doing ouch ups with Issei having Rias on his back and Y/n having Aura who has come out to join them. 

Rias: "The stronger you get the more powerful you are the more powerful you are the more you can accomplish"

Issei: "Yes ma'am"

Aura: "Its kinda nice watching two boys work up a sweat although one seems more adapt at working out then the other"

Issei: "Seriously you too"

Y/n: "At this point.... I don't need.... to even say it" he spoke between push ups

Aura then looked to Issei and stepped on his head pushing his face into the ground along with his body

Aura: "Honestly can you stop thinking like a pervert, its written all over your face"

Issei: "Sorry I cant help it"

Rias: "Anyway whats keeping her"

Y/n: "Who are you talking about?"

Then they all hear a voice turning to it they see Asia running at the group

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