Chapter 14

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An: Alright here comes another chapter by me to show relationship building with Y/n and the rest of the ORC. These will be relatively short small stories as a heads up. But without further delay lets get this show on the road. 


Story 1: Issei's contract

Today would be an interesting team up as Y/n is accompanying Issei on one of his contracts, unfortunately that means they both have to ride bikes to the clients home. 

Y/n: "I really hate this you know" 

Y/n grumbled while being seated on the back of the bike while Issei petaled. 

Issei: "I have to do this every time how do you think I feel"

Y/n: "Point taken, anyway I think the address is just up here"

Reaching there destination they two boys get off the bike and approach the house. Knocking on the door they were greeted by two girls seeminly in high school who were rather attractive. Issei being who he is immediately starts to check them out earning a jab to his side from Y/n. 

Y/n: "Hello there are you the ones who summoned two devils?"

Girl 1: "Yes but this isn't what I expected at all"

Y/n: "Sorry but my friend here has some issues using transportation magic"

Girl 2: "Well then come in you two"

Issei: "Thanks sorry for intruding"

Entering the come they all went to the living room having a seat across from one another. 

Issei: "So what is it you wanted us to do?"

Girl 2: "Well be honesty were not sure, I suggested we try this as a joke really"

Y/n: "I see, well the way this usually works is you have a job or request for us then we get compensation that we both agree on"

Girl 1: "What kinds of things can you two do?" 

Y/n and Issei looked to each other before doing the only thing they can really think to do, summon there sacred gears.

Girl 1&2: "Woah"

Girl 1: "They look amazing, what can you do with them"

Issei: "Well umm-"

Y/n: "We can put on a small fireworks show for you if you'd like"

Girl 2: "Oh yeah"

Girl 1: "Hold on, what about payment what would it cost us, our souls or maybe even our bodies" she spoke with some slight fear

Issei: "What no nothing like that"

Y/n: "Its just a fireworks show something small payment of that kind would be to large"

Issei: "Yeah were better off getting your underwear or something"

Girl 2: "Hmmm okay deal" she replied nonchalantly

Y/n only looked at her with a shocked face while Issei had a slightly perverted grin. 

Issei: "Okay Y/n lets do this" he dragged the other boy outside and began charging up 

Y/n: "I'd be surprised at you but at the same time i'm not. Your a real pervert at times ya know that"

His words surprisingly cut deep making Issei deflate, metaphorically speaking. 

Bonds: Highschool DXD X Male reader (18+)Where stories live. Discover now