The giant metal machine was released from its holders. After a few moments Koda brought her hands together inside the machine and made a sign outside.

The Jaeger was under the woman's complete control.

"Let's do this..." Koda said from within the machine. The Commander and Bill, along with a group of many people watched as the 40ft machine controlled by the mind of Koda Shank started to walk out of the base. Once outside though...she began running towards her destination. Usually she would be flown by some choppers, but today she decided against it.

The young woman flicked a switch as her feet moved massive hydraulic pedals which gave her the ability to run or walk at her speed. The com-link at base turned on, "Koda to base, Bill...mind putting on track 7?"

"Of course!" Bill replied happily and switched on a player that started playing some old tunes.


Over the course of the next thirty minutes Koda made her way to one of MECHS last outposts. (Track 7 is no longer playing) That group had taken control over some of the Category 1 Kaiju over the years and mutated them. Though they were quite easy for Koda to take down. Like now, the defenses, Koda merely squashed underfoot. These Kaiju were not even fully grown. But as Koda moved forward a blue rusted down robot emerged from the shadows. It stood around 20ft tall.

"It seems like MECH has made better improvements than you Commander!" Silas' voice rang out.

The woman operating the much bigger machine was shocked. Her father thought the Commander operated the last Jaeger. How wrong he was...

"What do you want, Silas?" Koda asked, as she drew her chain blade, "I'm sure your control panel is rather weak compared to ours. Why do you wish to fight when I'll end this battle right now?"

The robot chuckled, "You have it all wrong. This is the perfect meld of man and machine. Its technology is upgraded further than our own! So...Koda, I want to see how well you can face off against me!"

Koda was angered that her father even said her name. He liked to get in her head, but over the years Koda had built up a wall that prevented that.

Before more words could be said between the both of them, they began clashing. Silas' hands had turned into hammers. Koda managed to cut off one of the bots' arms. Surprisingly when Koda did that, a blue liquid started leaking from the wound. Silas seemed to feel that pain but kept pushing forward.

"Send in a Category 3!!" Silas' voice rang out.

Koda flinched back. He...why or even how did he have higher categorized Kaijus?! Before the woman could react she was hit aside by a Kaiju. It's usually glowing blue body was now glowing green. Out of the corner of the woman's eye she saw the robot transform into an old military vehicle and it drove away.

The Kaiju showed no motions of letting off. It hit the Jaeger across the chest. Causing Koda to fall back on the ground with a loud THUNk.

"Soldier! Are you okay?!" The commander spoke over the com-link.

Koda grunted as she managed to throw the Kaiju off her machine and brought herself to her feet.

"KODA?!" The Commander shouted into the com-link.

"I'm fine Sir...Just-ugh, dealing with a Cat.3 at the moment!" Koda replied a moment later. She turned and heard the Kaiju impale her machine right in the abdomen. Just below the power core. A few cords started sparking on the inside of Kodas unit causing pain to hit her like a wall, "Come on Gipsy! You can take down a low life Category 3 Kaiju!"

Woman and Machine I (TFP & Pacific Rim )Where stories live. Discover now