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Past memory, 2014

"Hurry up, or we are going to be late for dinner!", Jay waved at Sunoo down the road, the sun already starting to set down.

"Wait for me Hyung!"

Sunoo started to speed up his pace, running towards his brother that was waiting for him with a cheerful smile.

They had been playing the whole afternoon outside, and now their stomachs were growling for nutrition.

Just before Sunoo could halt right in time, he fell over his own feet and stumbled on his knee.

"Ow!" he exclaimed, the bruised skin already changing to a redder colour. Jay immediately kneeled down to give a look, comforting the younger one who was in pain.

"Are you okay? I'm sorry, I shouldn't have rushed you here."

Sunoo nodded slightly, trying to stand up with the help of his brother's hand.

The sniffles of the kid weren't convincing the elder, so he proceeded to get down and wrap around the smaller's body to hug him comfortably.

"All better?" he asked after a while, and Sunoo's lips formed into a smile already.

Hand in hand they continued to walk further, until infant Sunoo had dropped a question.

"Hyung, what if the next time I hurt myself you're not here to help me?"

Jay puffed his lips and hummed out loud. "Well, I think it's important for you to learn how to take care of yourself too, Sunoo" he answered, swinging a little the arms, "but besides, I will always be here for you, hm?"

"Of course Hyung, thank you!" Sunoo answered, not being able to wait for more to eat his dinner.



As Sunoo stepped into the courtroom, his heart was pounding. He looked around nervously, taking in the faces of the jurors and the stern expression of the judge. And then, his eyes fell on a woman, who was sitting in the defendant's box, looking pale and fragile.

Sunoo had always suspected that his mother was capable of such a heinous act, and now it seemed like justice would finally be served.

As the trial continued, the investigators presented each detail and evidence of the accused, each one providing damning testimony against her. Her fate was sealed. And Sunoo had no sympathy for her.

Sunoo couldn't help but think about the day he found Jay lifeless on the floor. His mother wasn't devastated, and also suspicious. He will never know why that insane woman would have wanted the death of his own son. Why Jay wasn't supposed to live anymore. But they say life is not fair, and Sunoo went along with it. Maybe he was worth dying too in her eyes, who knows.

He escaped his home after he had a gun pointed to his head at 16 by some men, that apparently needed to get cash paid back. Before that he used to run outside in the middle of the night during winter, so his mom wouldn't get more ideas to kill him. All the times he came home and was scared he would get beaten up again. When he hit back only to be greeted by hands strangling his throat.

But what if now they suddenly change their minds or set his mother free? What would happen then?

Sitting next to him was Sunghoon with a heart heavy and full of grief and anger. He couldn't imagine what the boy had been through so far, but he knew he was doing enough by just sitting here with him. But at the same time, Sunghoon felt a sense of relief wash over him as he watched the proceedings unfold. He was glad that the accused were finally getting what they deserved, that justice was being served for Sunoo's brother's death.

Somehow Sunghoon's hand got to squeeze between Sunoo's ones just in a way to reassure him, a gesture that brought him comfort. Sunoo eventually turned to him and saw that he was glancing at him with a mix of sympathy and concern.

"I'm okay," the younger whispered, his voice barely above a murmur. "I'm just glad that this is going to an end. It won't bring my brother back, but at least we'll get some closure."

Sunghoon nodded, his expression softening. "I understand," he said. "It's good that you're here. You're supporting your brother, even if he's not here to see it."

Sunoo smiled weakly, grateful for his words. Sunghoon had been a source of strength for him in the past few months, and he didn't know how he else would have coped without him in this situation.

As the trial continued, Sunoo watched intently, listening to every word spoken. He knew that nothing could bring Jay back, but he took comfort in the fact that the accused would be held accountable for their actions.

When the verdict was finally read, Sunoo let out a deep breath he didn't know he was holding, feeling a weight lifted off his shoulders. He looked up at Sunghoon and saw that he was smiling, relieved and happy about the outcome. Together, they left the courtroom, their hands still entwined.

20 years sentence. There is no place for his mother or her ignorant, hateful and evil ideologies in this civilized society. There can be no mercy too. No understanding, no second chances for her. The damage she had caused was too big for Sunoo. That woman took a valuable person away, along with his happiness.

I hope you will never see the light of day as a free woman ever again, Sunoo thought to himself, while silently walking to the parking lot.

Sunoo looked up to the sky, a weak smile tugging at the corner of his lips. At least Jay was safe now. He was happy about it. Sometimes he wished his brother could hear his thoughts.

You didn't mean to die, Sunoo kept thinking, your whole life you wanted to keep me safe, I know that. You were a good brother, the best brother.

After your death, I used to scream at you, I used to cry and hope you would hear me. 'Were you happy that you were gone? Were you happy that you left me all alone?'

But now I know you only had left against your will.

So I hope heaven is real, because I like thinking of you there. And if heaven doesn't exist, then just know that you were my safe place.

And on that day, Sunoo learned to accept his brother's death completely.

A/N: the end is coming soon, and a lil plot twist will follow

My Happiness in You - SunsunTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang