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A/N: Hey there. As in my other books, I preferred to not write a prologue or introduce characters this time.

⚠️In this book some sensitive or uncomfortable content will be mentioned, it might not be appealing to some audiences.

Everything in this story is fantasy, fanfiction and imagination.

Please vote and share this story! Thank you already.

The darkness was for Sunoo a constant companion, whispering its poisonous thoughts and urging him to take the ultimate escape all the time.

His mind was sometimes his safe place, and sometimes his own enemy. Being your own opponent wasn't enjoyable at all, for Sunoo as well.

And when you're involved with your own rival all the time, you lose control, of yourself and of everything you live in. Your own mind becomes an individual and it steers your emotions or way of thinking. It drives you crazy, and it influences your actions. But you can't help it.

Sunoo was young, merely in his twenties, but he already wished not more than one thing to experience in life: death.

Thinking about it made Sunoo already feel calm and relaxed, as if it was his main desire in life, something he craved for so dearly.

See, there was no one who could worry for Sunoo, meaning, his death would have been no one's loss. His life was insignificant and knowing that, it didn't even hurt him, but assured him even more.

And so he came to his final destination of the eternal mind tricks. On a normal evening in May, Sunoo stood at the edge of the bridge, staring down at the churning Han River below, the only thought in his mind was how easy it would be to just let go.

He is going to climb up the edge and finally throw himself, the waters embracing his figure. So easy, and so quickly could someone's life be over.

Sunoo mentally laughed at himself, believing his silliness and sick behaviour of his. Never had he thought, the place in his mind go could be this dark.

So Sunoo sighed, not worrying about the pedestrians around him, and tightened the grip on the cold handle of the bridge.

"Excuse me?", a voice intruded into Sunoo's mind, a soft individual one. The boy was standing on his tip-toes already, his eyes still fixated on the river below the bridge.

But the voice seemed to have called him, personally addressed him, and so he turned around, to face the owner of the voice.

"Hello Sir", a young man greeted him with a smile, his figure tall and firm, "I opened a bakery near here, I would appreciate if you could come and pass by" he informed, and handed out to Sunoo a colourful Flyer.

This man was holding a bunch of other flyers in his other hand, and was waiting for Sunoo to grab the one he was handing out. So Sunoo took it, and automatically nodded.

The man began to smile, his eyebrows raised for a quick moment, "Thank you, I'll be waiting for you".

And with that he walked away to the next group of people, his brownish hair fluttering in all directions.

Astonished, Sunoo gave a better look at the paper that was given to him. It advertised a bakery called SweetPark, mentioning its opening hours and its goods.

It surprised Sunoo for a moment that the stranger hadn't noticed his planned-out actions, but in the end it was a stranger. He probably didn't even remember his face anymore.

Sunoo didn't know why his body turned away from the bridge and why he folded the paper to put it in his pocket. His mind had unlocked an action, caused by a simple sentence from a stranger.

"I'll be waiting for you", is what he couldn't forget.

A/N: I woke up and chose to be deep ahaha

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