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When Sunoo was 14 years old, he heard the word gay for the worst time.

Being sprayed around like dirt, being thrown into the boy's eyes who got confused and blinded by the sudden abruptness of a word he'd never heard of. Suddenly, it became the biggest insult there could be.

At the time, Sunoo would always buy himself two things with his own allowance money: action figures and magazines.

Like most boys, Sunoo would love to buy magazines about his current interests, like; music, baking, cars or generally something that would appeal to him at the moment he was standing in the shop.

Apparently, one day, he had bought a magazine about male models, because the cover interested him, and just wanted to give a look.

So what was wrong with it?

Well his mother had found him at home glaring with full interest at the pictures, moving his finger across the pages – weird into her eyes. Sunoo was simply enjoying the beauty of the models, as girls would do.

Snatching the magazine away from him, she insulted and warned him about the "weird behaviour".

Sunoo remembers not understanding the origin of her actions, and wasn't quite happy about his magazine being kept away from him (since he spent his money on it) and so he naturally started to confront her.

Because that woman had lost her mind, and the simple action of the younger would make her go insane.

Sunoo would never forget the few seconds which felt like an eternity, when his own mother had grabbed him by his throat and tried to strangle him.

Fighting for his life, she would at the same time throw at him dirty words that Sunoo didn't know what they meant until years later.

Eventually, she'd let him go, but the memory was already imprinted in his mind and would haunt him until this day. She never apologized for it.

And Sunoo was 14 years old, when he started to fear his mother genuinely.

The memory leads us to the present Sunoo.

Sunoo observed the man in front of him, the tall and lean physique catching his eye.

The man had a handsome and youthful appearance, with sharp features such as a defined jawline, high cheekbones, and piercing eyes.

He often would wear his hair in various styles, ranging from a classic short cut to a longer, tousled look.

Well, the man Sunoo was staring at was no one else than his manager Sunghoon, who was simply preparing a baking tray at the moment.

Today Sunghoon had light curls falling on his temple, and Sunoo thought it fit him way better than usual somehow. His figure kind of reminded him of those models in the magazines, and he was just thinking about-

"You know, taking a picture would be more convenient for you", his voice suddenly tore him apart, the embarrassing feeling of getting caught somehow rushed in the form of heat into Sunoo's face.

Sunoo now avoided his lingering gaze peering at him now, nervously shifting from one foot to another.

"Pff you're funny" Sunghoon then commented, stepping closer to the boy and halting in front of him.

Yeah Sunghoon was indeed taller than him, and it was intimidating somehow.

And somehow Sunoo was holding his breath, especially when he started to smell the indulging but memorable perfume of the elder.

He knew Sunghoon was doing this on purpose, even if it was just an act, it was almost a part of his personality.

Sunghoon's lips moved upwards into a smile, scanning down the innocent reaction of the younger.

"You should blush more", he noted, finally grabbing the bag of flour behind Sunoo and walking back to the baking tray, "it suits your cheeks more".

"I don't know what you're talking about" the boy finally choked out, almost running to the front desk when a phone call was heard echoing in that moment.

For Sunghoon it wasn't a big deal, it was pretty much entertaining. Maybe he liked it a little.

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