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A/N: Shout out to my bestie kisseskawaii who is also writing a Sunghoon fic :)
(y'all better read it)

Outstanding and happy. Jungwon was pretty, he had an adorable face and a tiny nose. He owned green eyes and beautiful black fur. He was a young and slim kitten.

No I'm joking, Jungwon wasn't a cat. But that's what Sunoo thought at least. Back to the story.

Going to work was a distraction for Sunoo now. If he had a bad day, he didn't worry much about it because he knew, that he would get to feel better the moment he would step in the bakery.

Or was it the moment he saw Sunghoon?

Either way, there was something in that place that cured a part of him and he could feel it. The bakery was a place he wouldn't get judged, where he wasn't stressed and could do the tasks in his tempo.

Sunoo thought to know now Sunghoon's personality well, until one day he came into the shop and discovered something new about him.

"Hello Sunoo!", Sunghoon greeted, waving at him from behind the counter. Sunoo greeted back and continued to walk further into the shop.

"You forgot your charger yesterday", Sunghoon said, handing Sunoo the charging cable. "Oh right, thanks" the younger muttered and stuffed the charger in his bag.

Sunoo then looked up again, noticing Sunghoon staring out of the window, as if he was looking for someone.

"Are you-"

"Oh there he is!" Sunghoon exclaimed, cutting off Sunoo's question and heading towards the entrance.

The door swung open and a giggling boy ran into the widened arms of Sunghoon. The baker hugged the boy closely into his embrace and laughed with him.

A few seconds later, Sunghoon stood up again and took the boy's hand in his.

"Sunoo, this is Jungwon", he said, and Sunoo responded with a big 'oh', as he looked down at the kid.

So let me start again:

Jungwon was a cute boy, his bright smile outstanding immediately. Not to forget the big doe eyes that made him look actually like a cat.

"Say hi to Sunoo," Sunghoon asked softly, his smile growing bigger as Jungwon raised his hand and wisely waved to Sunoo.

Sunoo didn't know how to talk or act with kids; he barely had a childhood by himself. The sudden presence of a child confused him just as much, so he just hummed a yes and turned back to work.

An awkward chuckle left Sunghoon's mouth before patting Jungwon's shoulder. "Why don't you take your colour book out and draw something for me, hm?"

The boy nodded excitedly and opened his yellow bag to take out a big booklet and his crayons.

Setting himself up on a table, Jungwon began to calmly dive into his task.

"You look surprised", Sunghoon laughed out loud, as he walked over to Sunoo, which was staring at Jungwon pretty much confused.

"Jungwon isn't a cat?"

A snort followed from Sunghoon as he heard the younger's statement and shook his head, "No he is not a cat, but you could tell the similarities of one."

"Ohh", came out of Sunoo again, who was adjusting one of the cakes on the counter. "Then who-"

"Hoonie look!" the loud squeak made the two turn their heads towards Jungwon, who was holding up his drawing proudly.

Okay it's not his son, Sunoo thought, since Jungwon addressed him by his nickname.

Sunoo squinted his eyes to recognize whatever the boy just had drawn on the piece of paper, which pretty much looked like a cursed demon with wings.

"Oh is that a butterfly? It looks awesome Wonie!" Sunghoon said and Jungwon happily went back to his work again.

That was supposed to be a butterfly?

Sunoo watched how Sunghoon's smile brightened up every time the younger was mentioned. His whole personality and mannerism changed with just the presence of someone else. Sunoo couldn't understand but saw, how much a single person could make of a difference.

"How old is he?" he then asked, whipping his hands off a towel.

"He turned 7 last month", Sunghoon stated proudly, glancing over to Jungwon with a parental smile.

"Jungwon is my nephew", he continued, "but I take care of him most of the week since my sister is a single mother".

Sunoo never heard Sunghoon talk about his family before, and he could read the uncomforting look on his face while telling so.

A phone call interrupted their conversation, and Sunghoon quickly excused himself to take the call.

Just when Sunoo had almost dropped a piece of cake, Jungwon came out of the corner and surprised the poor Sunoo.

"Where is Hoonie?" he asked excitedly, his eyes wider than ever.

Sunoo held his chest, kind of annoyed by the sudden presence of the younger. "On a call" he answered, placing the piece of cake on a plate.

As the boy saw the enormous and colourful piece of cake, he gasped dramatically and pointed at it, "can I have that?"



"No" Sunoo still answered, not changing his mind even though the boy cutely frowned to the response.

"Then you're gonna help me colour" grabbing Sunoo's wrist, the kid dragged the man to his table and sat him down on the chair.

"You take red and blue, and I take green and yellow" Jungwon explained, handing out the mentioned colours.

Sunoo just silently obeyed, not knowing how else to react to a 7-year-old commanding him.
Guess he should have given him the cake instead.

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