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"9 AM, late again", Sunghoon sighed to himself, as he checked the time on his phone. Still sitting in his car, he unbuckled his belt and opened the driver's door with his left hand.

He was glad the parking lot was close to his shop, so he didn't have to walk much far. In this case he was lucky, because most of his limbs were hurting due to the workout he did the day before.

Sunghoon stepped out of the car and locked it soon after. Arriving at the shop with heavy steps, he found someone already standing at the entrance.

"Hey", Sunoo greeted; his eyes hidden by some longish strands of hair. Sometimes Sunghoon wondered if that guy ever had a haircut.

Sunghoon was kind of surprised to find Sunoo already up there and waiting for him. Usually, he would come in the afternoon, since he had classes in the morning. The elder waved at him happily and took out his key to open up the bakery.

"If I knew you would be coming in at this hour, I would have gotten out of bed earlier, sorry", Sunghoon said, as the both of them entered the place.

"Oh it's fine, don't worry" he simply replied, and already started to head to the kitchen.

Hours went by, and the two of them got their work done pretty well. A few customers came in and out, frequently as usual.

It was all going ordinary until Sunghoon came back to the shop after throwing a trash bag outside.

"...I want my money back, I paid good money for this, and it's wasn't even edible!"

The stranger's voice echoed in the shop, making Sunghoon notice something was wrong. Walking to the front counter, he could see Sunoo talking with a man.

"I understand your frustration, but we don't usually give refunds for food items that have already been consumed" the boy replied, taking a step back from the customer in front of him.

The stranger sighed loudly and annoyed. "Are you kidding me?" shouting, he fumbled his hands around.

Sunoo flinched as the loud words rang in his ears. But the man continued to use the same tone, "I'm not going to let you get away with selling me something that's not fit for human consumption!"

At that, Sunghoon immediately stepped in front of the man "May I help you Sir?"

"Oh dear lord" the man sighed and rolled his eyes, "I bought today a croissant and it was so burnt, to the point that it made me feel sick. I want my money back!" Again, the man raised his voice, his eyes wide and fuming.

Sunghoon could sense Sunoo's uncomfort and so he motioned him to head to the back of the shop. "I got this, okay", he whispered, and the younger followed his orders. In the end, it wasn't the first time in his career sometimes like this had happened.

"Sir, I need you to calm down. I want to help you, but I can't give you a refund without proof of purchase".

The man groaned, looking left and right. "I don't have the receipt with me, but I paid with my credit card. Can't you just look it up?"

Sunghoon shook his head and looked over to the cash register. Honestly, he didn't remember this person entering this place today, so he didn't trust immediately his assumptions.

"I'm sorry, but we don't have the capability to do that here." He answered, keeping his voice calm and steady, "If you could bring in your receipt, we could refund your money."

"This is ridiculous. You sold me a burnt croissant, and now you won't even give me my money back??"

"I'm sorry you feel that way. Is there anything else I can do to help you-"

The man cursed some words before storming away already. Well, at least they solved the problem quickly.

Sunghoon turned around, walking to the back. He would now clarify this issue with Sunoo.

"Sunoo?" he called, looking for him through the place. Stepping into the kitchen, where he found the younger waiting for him.

"Is he gone?" he asked in a little voice. Smiling, Sunghoon approached him. "Yeah, he was quite rude, wasn't he?"

Sunoo nodded, his arms glued on his sides. Sunghoon could tell he had gotten quite frightened at the encounter.

"You're alright?" he asked concerned, noticing Sunoo's silent behaviour. Actually, he had been off the whole morning, but he thought it was the usual with him.

Sunoo just hummed a yes and exhaled loudly "Yeah sorry, I just don't like it when people raise their voice at me"

The man even had a stupid reason, and got all angry for something silly. Sunoo didn't understand that.

Sunghoon pouted as he felt sorry for the younger. "No one likes that, I understand you well" and with that, he stroked quickly through the younger's hair.

A cute gesture, confusing Sunoo pretty much but not minding it. Stepping closer, he suggested, "I know a way to make you feel better then".

Without asking any further, Sunoo felt two strong arms wrapping around his torso. Startled, he just held his breath while the elder was patting his back.

A hug.

When was the last time he had gotten a hug? It must have been years.

Sunoo wasn't the type of person like physical touch either, he would always back away instantly. But he could feel Sunghoon's good and simple intentions, of just wanting to comfort the younger.

Sunoo eased himself in the embrace, not expecting his manager to get this comfortable around him. Was it something normal for him?

He could smell the sweet fragrance of the elder, and felt the softness of his skin.

Pulling back, Sunghoon smiled happily at the younger. "Did it help you?"

Sunoo had a bad day yesterday already, he was frustrated with his practice, teachers just complaining. As he woke up today, he didn't feel better, so he thought to go to work earlier to ease his mind. But the encounter with the customer didn't improve his mood.

He didn't know that a simple hug could make a difference, or was it Sunghoon himself?

Sunoo looked up to the guy that was expecting an answer from him.

"Can we do that again?"

My Happiness in You - SunsunWhere stories live. Discover now