15 ¦

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"M-mom?" Sunoo whispered, his bottom lip trembling already a little.

This couldn't be real right? He was probably just imagining things.

There was no way, that his own mother was standing in front of him right now. After 7 years that he hadn't met her, was able to live without her, forgot about her and even maybe healed from her caused trauma.

Sunoo gulped down a big chunk of saliva. But indeed - it was her.

"Hi Sunwoo", the woman greeted, not caring to smile. She looked way older than the last time Sunoo had seen her, her hair lost colour and her eyes especially seemed soulless, "how have you been without mommy?".

His day couldn't get more fucked up. What the hell was that supposed to mean?

Sunoo didn't answer, he didn't want to know. What did she want from him now? Was it money? Did she own something but wasn't able to pay it back? How did she even know where he lived? Thousand questions came into his mind.

The woman glared over at Sunghoon, which she had ignored until now. "Make it quick", Sunoo intervened, being too afraid the woman would judge the taller for no reason.

"I see I'm not welcomed by my own son", she mumbled sarcastically, an ugly chuckle following after. "I need to ask you for a favour, since both of us are being questioned for your brother's death again. You tomorrow, me on Friday".

Ohh, of course it was because of that.

"And they gave you my address?"

"I requested it, and I got it since I'm your mother. Mad about it?"

Sunoo could do things to this woman, but it was better not to list it up now.

He mentally rolled his eyes, hiding his shaking hands in his pockets.

Sunoo ignored her and she proceeded with a sigh. "Just tell the officers, that I wasn't there that day".

Processing what she just said, Sunoo's eyes widened, "You want me to lie to the police?"

"It's not lying", she confronted, her eyes scanning Sunoo's body now, "just do as I say for once. It's best since I'm your mother".

The elder woman began to walk back, not wanting to hear any other complaints. Hopefully she would never come back again.

"You do realize that's what making you suspicious now!" Sunoo shouted back at her, the water in his eyes adding up.

He was definitely not going to do as he got told, and the fact that she tried to convince him, was horrible. Why would she want him to lie about Jay's death?

As the woman wasn't in sight anymore, Sunoo automatically began to tear up, everything about Jay or his past would still make him emotional. This angered him as well.

"Fuck, sorry", he cursed, being kind of embarrassed for Sunghoon to have witnessed all of this. But the elder just shook his head, stroking softly his back. He had no idea what was going on, but never had he seen the fragile side of Sunoo, so he felt the need to comfort him the best.

"Are you okay?" he finally spoke, lowering himself a little so that he was looking down at him eye-to-eye.

Sunoo tried his best to control himself, yeah he supposes he was doing okay now. He let out a shaky breath a nodded his head.

"I think I need to get wasted", he confessed, and Sunghoon smirked a million-dollar smile.

The two men decided to enter a bar and drown themselves in a couple of shots, Sunoo had explained somehow the whole story about his mother. Alcohol would make everything easier for him. Well let's say Sunoo had more than a couple of shots.

Sunoo took his word – he did get wasted, the last time he was this drunk was maybe when he was in high school.

"Fuck. I'm sorry...I need those." He pointed to the keys. "The blue one is my house key."

Sunghoon picked up the keys that had fallen from Sunoo's pocket and carefully led Sunoo to the front door.

He felt pathetic but still asked Sunghoon to help him to his apartment. If he had attempted on his own, he'd end up asleep at the bottom of the stairs.

Surprisingly, he was getting carried up, Sunoo tried to be careful not to send both him and Sunghoon down the stairs. But the taller was pretty strong it seems. He's practically holding Sunoo up in the air.

They made it to the right floor, and arrived at his bedroom door after successfully stumbling into the apartment. Sunoo again failed to get the door open. The stupid thing always got stuck. He just needed to be more assertive.

"Open", he pouted, weakly shouldering the wood. Sunghoon chuckled behind him, drunk Sunoo was for sure something.

"Here...I'll get it." he stepped in front of him, opening the door with absolute ease.

Stupid door. Making Sunoo look bad.

Sunoo whined as he was being walked over to his bed. He held Sunghoon's arm, trying to pull his covers back. His whole body was kind of hurting, the alcohol making his mind go foggy.

Sunghoon wanted to lie the younger down, but Sunoo accidentally pulled him forward.

The older lad fell on top of Sunoo, holding himself up just above his face. The younger blinked widely and stared at him.

Glancing into his eyes, he didn't understand how someone's eyes could sparkle even with the lights off.

He could feel his pulse suddenly starting to hammer against his chest. It's the way Sunghoon just didn't speak but kind of lowered himself even more. His face was just inches away, and maybe he would have freaked out if he was sober.

Sunoo was sleepy, so he didn't get much of what Sunghoon was blabbering about. He just smiled in comfort and closed his eyes, waiting for something to happen.

"Fuck- I can't do this", he heard him say, "goodnight Sunoo". And with that, he drifted off into dreamland.

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