Question Time

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I did indeed get a slap but was then allowed some time to rest. I fell asleep the second my head hit the pillow, not caring that I was still wearing my usual clothes and was on top of the duvet.

When I awoke once again I was in pyjamas and was underneath the duvet. I didn't stop to think who had done it - I didn't particularly care. I was just happy to be asleep and in fresh, clean clothes. Even my bandages had been redone.

I strolled through into the main area and immediately sat down on the sofa, tired already. My legs were aching and I was shivering uncontrollably.

Lulu jumped up to sit on my stomach and I warmed up a little. Enough so that I stopped trembling, at any rate.

"Are these pyjamas made of ice?" I asked Georgina as she approached. She shrugged and sat in the armchair opposite the sofa. The others all crowded around and on the chair, staring at me.

"Ah," I said softly. "I'm guessing you'll want explanations."

"Yes," Georgina said. Still in charge, then.

"I think it would be easier and a lot less hassle if you just asked me questions and I filled in any blanks," I said tiredly. "And I'll stay lying sideways, if that's alright with you."

"Where's Tom?" Sophie asked.


"Did you meet anybody new over there?" Shaade inquired.

"Yes, a psychopath named Trix, a ginger kitten I christened Cat and a woman named Elenia. Elenia was Tom's girlfriend."

"What happened to them?"

"Trix was a demon from hell, Elenia died and Cat ran away."

"Why are you injured?"

"I was in an explosion."

"Who caused it?"

I sighed. "This isn't going very well. I think I'll just explain..."

I recounted all that had happened in the most chronological order I could put it with the most detail I could include off the top of my head.

When I finally finished my tale my mouth was dry and I could barely breathe, let alone speak. Gesturing wildly I managed to get the point across that I needed a drink and was handed a large, cold bottle of Coke. My throat exploded and bubbles went up my nose but I survived and was able to talk again.

"So, what have I missed?" I asked. Glances were passed but Shaade kept his head down.

"And where's Josh?" I added. At that Shaade stood and walked away, vanishing down the stairs.

"Remember that he was a soldier?" Georgina began. I nodded, unsure of what she was going to say.

"He got called away and was shot within days of going out."

I was silent and felt nothing but pity for Shaade. "How long ago?" I asked in a hollow voice.

"Almost immediately after you left. Shaade tried to kill himself four times but he's immortal, apparently."

"I feel for that guy," I said sympathetically. "But he's okay now, yeah?"

"We don't know," Emmi said. "He's too good at acting."

"His reaction then though," Rebecca said. "He can't be alright about it."

"Moving on, where did Bench go?"

"He randomly vanished," Sophie shrugged. "Shaade knows nothing about it. He just upped it and left, about the same time you did, I guess."

"Oh. I never noticed, really." I frowned and stroked Lulu absentmindedly. "So, I'm back now. Everything is fine. Everything is normal."

"Pepper, if you ever leave again you will be eaten alive," Rebecca said threateningly.

"With all the security you've put up I'm not surprised," I replied. "What is that for, anyway?"

"We were making sure we weren't attacked whilst the person who knows all the security codes was away," Georgina said, glaring at me pointedly. I laughed and raised my hands in surrender.

"Sorry. I could swear that I wrote them down in a notebook somewhere..."


Later that day, when Shaade had returned and been given a hug from me - a rare thing, considering I don't normally let him within ten feet of me - I went to watch TV. Amaze Us was on, the audition stages. I think they were in London.

"Guys, this kid's doing magic," I called. A teenage boy in a black and white waistcoat and grey trousers was stood on stage, brown hair falling in strings over his face. Think young Leonardo DiCaprio but not as square in the face.

"What's your name?" Symon asked. He was head judge.

"Edendir is my name," the boy replied.

"Ooh, what does it mean?" Mandy said in delight.

"Eden - new - dir - young man. New young man, just like me," Edendir smiled.

"It sounds very magical, Edendir," William said. That guy is the campest person to walk the earth who claims to be straight. "Just like me!"

Edendir laughed nervously. "Yeah, um..."

"Go whenever you're ready," Abigail said with a smile. Edendir nodded and stepped back as a stage hand ran on to take away the microphone stand.

"Wow," I breathed as he began with a mind-blowing feat that even I couldn't work out.

End of book one. Mwahahahaha. Go and read 'It's Just Magic', it focuses on Edendir and is a change from the Stronghold with a lot more magic. :)

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