rotton smells

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Tens pov:

After that tape ended, nine called out my name and I turned around, theres a tape on the ground called 'rotton smells', I told nine we need to find more clues before we watch the Last tape, nine agreed and I put in the tape.

on the tv, there was x, four, and 5 on a picnic.

x:'hi again! im x!' X said with a kind smile.

4:'im four! and this is my stupid big brother 5!' four said, (I don't know about 5 being a stupid guy, I think hes kinda nice, after all we're just friends after all) 5 looked at his sister with an angry face.

5:'HEY!!!!!' 5 shouted.

x:'its such a nice day for a picnic, even with your family(or should I say, step family).' X said.

x:'what do you like to eat on a picnic?' X asked, I said key lime pie, and nine said his favourite food too. 

x:'oh, I don't like that at all.' X said, her smile now turned into a frown for a while.

5:'ugh! guys? whats that smell? i'vegas never smelled anything like that!' 5 said, holding his nose.

x:'hmm... I don't know step brother...' X said, looking at 5.

4:'PEE-EW!!!! you're right!!!! it is a bad smell!!!' 4 said, holding her nose too.

5:'i'm always right!'said 5, he is really pissed right now. then X looked at the camrea.

x:' what do you think is making that bad smell?' X asked. I clicked on the sandwich because its looking bad lately.

x:'pee-ew! you're right!' X said, then the scene cuts to the sandwich rotting to death.

x:'the sandwich is stinky because it is rotting.' X said in the background, then the scene cuts to the treew with limbs rotting.

x' the tree stump is rotting too, do you know why? things rotting when they are not alive anymore. do you know what the opposite of alive is?' X aked, near the rotting tree. I said dead because thats the opposite of alive, is it?

x:'thats right! the tree stump is dead! dead is the opposite of alive! good job! plants can die when they had not enough light or water or if they get diseases!' X said. she is very happy in the moment.

5:'lets go back to our nice, little family picnic.' 5 said, uncomfortably. then the scene cuts to a deer lying nextremely to a bush.

x:'animals can die in different ways too! look at poor mrs deer, she is dead and rotting. what do you think killed her? the gun, the knife, or some poison berries in the bush?' X asked, I clicked at the bushes sence the deer is next to them.

x:'I don't think that was it... what killed her?' X said.

four:'look at her funny little tounge! it looks silly!' four laughed while looking at the deer, I clicked the buses again, I was sure that was it.

x:'wouldn't it be nice if she could just tell us? Mrs deer, what made you die?' I got irritated and clicked on the bushes again, the it cuts to the same scene, but the bush was gone.

x:'it was the ugly old bear trap!!!' X said.

10:'WHAT?!?!?!?!?!' I said,I thought it was just the berries, but a bear trap?!?!?!?!?! what the flipping heck?!?!?!?!

x:'Mrs deer didn't even know what got her until its too late!'

5:'x! I don't like this! this has gone too far-' 5 said, but was interrupted by 4.

4:'oh shut up you son of a bitc-' four said, then the scene cuts to x, 4 and 5 in a white background.

x:'we saw so many things today! a rotting sandwich, a rotting tree stump, and silly old rotting Mrs deer!' X said, counting her fingers to 3.

x:'hmm... sometimes, I can feel myself...rotting, but its a bit far away!' X said.

5:'YOU IDIOTS!!!!! NOTHING IS ROTTING HERE!!!!!' 5 screamed at the top of his lungs.

4:'what do you think? do you think everythibg rots?' 4 asked.

5:'of course not sis-' 5 sad but got interrupted again.

4:'WE ARE NOT ASKING YOU!!!!' 4 screeched.

x:'answer our question.' X smiled.

5:'you don't have to answer that!' 5 said, I said nothing, nine on the other hand, well...

nine:'sure, everything rots sometime dude.' nine said.

4:' see, everthing rots here, that guy with the sun glasses told us so. now time to rotting in shame.' 4 said, then the tape ended...

to be continued... 

authors note: in my version, 5 and 4 are siblings, and X was the step sibling of the family. I read a wiki page about 5 being a brother to 4, so why not 5 be the brother of 4 in my version? right?

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