burning the tapes (part 2 of treasure)

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You may think tens gonna burn the tapes like one said, do you?
Well... you'll see...

Tens pov:

After the tape ended, maybe it's best if I just destroy the tapes like one said I could.

So I toke the tape and the matches and went outside, I dropped the tape in the ground and hold my match.

I was struggling in pressure before I dropped the match, then I blowed it out and pick up the tape.

Then, I heard some walking sounds, I turned around to see what it was.

It was nine, nine ran and hugged me tight.

Nine:"OH TEN, I MISSED YOU DUDE! I'VE BEEN LOOKING EVERYWHERE FOR YOU AND NOW YOUR HERE!!!" Nine said while crying. Then, she looked at my hand holding the tape.

Nine:"what is that?" Nine asked.

Ten:"It was a tape of... xs adventures?..." I replied.

Nine:"wait, show me what's this "xs adventures" is." Nine said.

Then, I nodded and take nine to xs attic, showing her the whole series, except the third episode.

Nine:"woah dude! That was kinda creepy. HEY LETS WATCH THE LAST EPISODE SHALL WE?!" Nine said.

I nodded nervously and put the third tape in...

To be continued...

Oh, looks like ten refuses to burn the tapes. Well.... he's gonna regret it...

Xs adventures (a xfohv and Amanda the adventurer crossover)Where stories live. Discover now