a party

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Warning: curse words and death

Tens pov:

Suddenly, nine woke up, then saw me laying next to her. We both are very confused about whats happened earlier in xs attic, I suggest we start investigate the tapes, but as we start leaving my house, I heard some cheering noises out of my window, I looked to see theres a party about "xs adventures" nine suggest we shoukd go there to know more about the tapes, I agreed and we went outside to the party.

six:'HEY BITCHES!!!!! are you suprised that we had a party and didn't  invite you?' six said,( wait, six didn't invite us?) she looks like shes having fun.

ten:'yeah, suprisely.' I said, looking confused.

nine:'so, dude, what is this party about?' nine asked six.

six:'its about these fucking cool new 'xs adventures'tapes! anyone who I invited to the party must watch these tapes.' six said, then she walked close to us and whispered,

six:' legends say, if you watch these tapes, you'll die after 7 days...'

i've been thinking about what six said after she said that to me and nine, it reminded me of that gray figure with an X head, it said to me and nine'you'll die after 7 days... is it true that me and nine are gonna die after 7 days?

six:'hey, bitchass, you ok, you sound like you've watched that tapes and worried that you-' six said, but I interrupped her.


then six chukled and said,

six:' ok, but if you're gonna die, don't say I didn't warn ya bitch'

then two and ones cousin olivar(number Lore one) came to the three of us, he was shaking with excitment.

olivar:'I watch them first!!!!!!!!!!!!!!' olivar shouted, then he flopped down to the ground, I walked closer to him, thinking he must be drunk or something... but he isn't, turns out, someone stapped him with an axe, I screamed about that dead body in front of my face.

then two and ones other cousin timo(number Lore two) was suprised and excited at the same time.

timo:'YES!!!! NOW IM NOT A BROTHER ANYMORE!!!!!! I CAN HAVE THE TOP BUNK, AND-' Timo said but before he can finish, some kid on the swings bumped timos head off, blood came out of his dying head as he fell into the ground. I was so shocked to see that and thought what if that happened to me and nine?

kid:'(giggle) I killed a person'

I looked at six and asked her,

ten:'six, have you ever watched the tapes since you're the host of this party?'

six:'not yet, but you can watch that shit if ya want bitchass.' chuckled six.

I thought about her words for a while then said,

ten:'I... don't think I should, who knows what can be on these tapes?'(it was obviously a lie, but I was just trying to warn six ok?) then suddenly, six sighed.

six:'fine, whatever bitch, but who can we talk to? who can we test and kill?' six said, I shrugged with confusion. nine does not know either, then a voice came out of nowhere and said,

???: 'I might know... follow me...'

all of us agreed to follow that voice, so we followed, and followed, and followed, till we spoted where that voice came from, a white sheep that(to me) looks strangely familiar.

Xs adventures (a xfohv and Amanda the adventurer crossover)Where stories live. Discover now