33. Failure

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Jace was younger than Aemond and his egg was hatching. Alisha was curious as to why her children's eggs didnt hatch but she supposed it happened all the time. Aemond asked if for their next baby, he could pick out another egg, a better one. He would pick the best egg for her baby. Alisha agreed knowing that Aemond would be diligent. But as Jace's egg hatched, Aemond's joy of having another sibling to egg hunt for vanished. 

Kaida was thrilled, a baby dragon, little like her, she reached out for it but Jace swatted her hand away. Kaida watched wide eyed as the dragon broke through. 

Aemond however was furious. It was his turn to have a dragon. He wanted a dragon more than anything. 

Aegon had claimed Sunfyre and Helaena had claimed Dreamfyre, both beautiful dragons, the maesters even deemed Sunfyre the most beautiful

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

Aegon had claimed Sunfyre and Helaena had claimed Dreamfyre, both beautiful dragons, the maesters even deemed Sunfyre the most beautiful. Alisha didnt realize is was a beauty pageant for dragons. 

"Baby dragon." Kaida whispered. She giggled up at Alisha. "Like me."

"Like you." Alisha agreed snuggling her closer. It was quite the sight to see, a baby dragon born into the world. Little talons and a cough of smoke from his it's little fanged mouth. To imagine this little creature would be as large as Sunfyre one day but right now he was the size of a mouse. 

"They are little," Viserys agreed. 

"Like a mouse!" Alisha agreed. "A dragon so small, its amazing." her hand ran over her own stomach. Viserys smiled as the small bump. 

"Human babies are just as amazing," viserys assured touching her stomach. 

"Kaida is very excited to be a big sister." Alisha agreed. "Aemond is still sad his egg hasnt hatched... he wants to be a dragon rider like you were, like his siblings are." 

''You know it was said that a long time ago a targaryen vanished into thin air. A dragon- a new dragon took her place in the sky though. One egg came from that dragon and they called it mouse. Because the dragon stayed little like a mouse. No larger than a little kitten perhaps but hasn't been seen in ages. Everyone claims the dragon still lives so small and in hiding only coming out for the right owner. Maybe we find a baby dragon for aemond."

"Although that would give me some peace of mind," Alisha remarked, having such a little dragon she shook her head at the thought. "Viserys he wants to be a dragon rider." Alisha corrected. "As much as a baby dragon would ease my mind he wants a big dragon. One he can ride, can fly."

"Cannibal it is then-"

"Don't even fucking joke about that!" Alisha demanded. 

"I dont think I have ever heard you swear." Viserys mused. 

"I mean it Viserys." Alisha begged. 

"No Cannibals but I can take him on a hunt." Viserys offered.

"You would do that?" Alisha questioned. "It's safe right? No Cannibals please." 

"Yes. I will talk to him." Viserys assured. "We will find him a safer dragon. Silverwing is said to be gentle." 

"Gentle is good." Alisha agreed leaning back into him. 

"I will speak with him in the morning then." Viserys remarked "And we will set out on our hunt soon... for his 8th name day perhaps?" 

"Yes, I think he would love that." Alisha agreed. 

Falling asleep that night Alisha was having a dream about a dragon, little like a mouse when she was woken up with a pang in her stomach. Her eyes popped open and she sucked in a tight breath. 

She tried not to wake Viserys as she pulled the covers back getting up and out of bed but she felt a sticky wetness as she got up. She stumbled with lighting a candle and saw the red. 

Alisha screamed her hand going to her stomach and Viserys woke up in a panic. 

"ALI!" Viserys declared as her screams turned to sobs. 

"My baby, my baby!" Alisha sobbed out, the guard burst through the door and looked for an intruder but it wasnt another person attacking her, it was her own body failing her. Viserys saw the blood and he was oh too familiar with miscarriages. Aemma had many of them. Alicent had been lucky she had yet to have a miscarriage. Viserys moved to her holding her as she sobbed. 

"Get the maester." Viserys instructed calmly as he held her best he could to him stroking his hand down her back. 

"Our baby..." She whimpered tears flooding her vision. "Our baby Vis..."

"Your grace?"

"Come in... the queen is having a... miscarriage I believe." Viserys remarked gently. 

"Our baby..." Alisha kept whimpering out. 

It was an awful experience passing her unborn child, having to push out the baby, what had started to form but failed. 

"I failed Viserys." Alisha sobbed out. She looked to the little bundle of what would have been another child before looking to Viserys. 

"You didn't fail." Viserys assured. "These things happen."

"I killed my baby." Alisha corrected. 

"No you didnt."

"I'm a bad mother." Alisha decided. "I couldnt protect the babe, our babe... Viserys-"

"Ali, you are the best mother in the world." Viserys declared. "No one could ever question that." Viserys corrected. "You are the best mother, the kids love you-"

"Kaida was so excited to be a big sister." Alisha sobbed out. 

"And she can still have the chance to be a big sister." Viserys assured. "But right now your body needs rest." 

"I won't fail again."

"Honey, you didnt fail." Viserys assured. Alisha couldnt stop the tears. 

"I feel like a failure." Alisha countered. 

"You are not. My first wife had miscarriage after miscarriage and it was nothing she did or didnt do. You didnt do anything wrong." Viserys assured kissing her tear away. 

"You dont hate me?" ALisha sobbed out and he held her tighter. 

"Ali, I could never hate you. I love you." 

I Think He Knows // Viserys Targaryenजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें