27. Drop Me From The Clouds

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Dragons. Sunfyre and Dreamfyre, they were getting it on in the pits when the dragon maesters came to find the king to let him know.

"For Helaena?" ALisha realized. "Dreamfyre, thats a pretty name..." 

Jace had gotten an egg, so had Aemond and Kaida but real life dragons, already here and ready for them. Aegon strut forward, the little stud muffin that he was. Eight years old and he thought he knew everything, Alisha was sure she thought similarly at his age but knowing that he didnt know everything and knowing the size of the dragon before them could swallow Aegon up as if he were nothing more than a snack, a bite sized snack, petrified Alisha. 

Sunfyre had been getting more training, but Dreamfyre was new, she was exciting and shiny. Alisha knew that Aemond wanted a dragon but he was only a baby, he toddled around still, chasing after her dress coats. She didnt want him or really any of her children near the dragons but knew it was tradition. 

"I still think they are too young." Alisha admitted. "ANd I dont want them flying without you." 

"Would you like to go for a ride?" Viserys countered. 

"Like in the air?" Alisha countered. 

"Yes. In the bed too but we can start in the air." Viserys mused. 

"That sounds dangerous." 

"You always were skittish around the dragons." Rhaenyra remarked as she passed. Well thats good, if Alicent had been fearless then this would have been really awkward. 

"Havent grown out of it." Alisha agreed. "How about you go for a ride and I will make some supper. Kaida and I are busy too." 

"Are you cooking or are you busy with Kaida?" Viserys mused. 

"BOth. I"m cooking with Kaida." 

"And at 6 moons, tell me is she a wonderful su chef?" 

"She is." Alisha agreed. 

"Come for a ride with Aegon and I, I know you will enjoy it." Viserys begged. He kissed both her cheeks and waited for an answer. 

"Okay." Alisha agreed after a beat. "But just a short ride."

"OOOO!" Kaida declared happily. Kaida reached up for Alisha. 

"I think Kaida, our little dragon wants to go for a ride too." Viserys declared kissing her little face. 

''Doot! Doot!'' Kadia agreed. "Rrrraww!" 

"I think she is very excited, can't turn back now, you would break her little heart." Viserys remarked. Alisha sighed snuggling Kaid closer. 

"The dragon is not big enough." Alisha corrected. "For all of us." 

"You can ride with me and Syrax." Rhaenyra offered and Alisha's heart skipped an anxious beat. 

"I'm... clearly having a mini panic attack, I like my feet on the ground, I'm not like you people. I'm Hightower-" Turnberry but hell I'm hightower now, Alisha thought as she tried to keep from passing out from fear. "-not a Targaryen."

"You are a Targaryen." Viserys corrected. "Ali Targaryen." 

"Ali Targaryen." Alisha repeated. "Sevens..."

"I will take that as a yes!" Viserys agreed. 

"Laenor is back I'm sure he wouldnt mind taking Aemond with." Rhaenyra offered. 

"Oh, he would love that." Alisha agreed. "Okay, alright, alright, this will be fun." 

Well the children had fun. Aegon steered his father and him on Sunfyre, Laenor had Aemond strapped to him on Seasmoke, Rhaenyra helped Alisha up with little Kaida strapped to her chest. Kaida was clapping and giggling out already. They took flight and Alisha kept a death grip on Rhaenyra as they flew. 

Kaida screamed and screamed, giggles molding with her terror as they flew. 

Alisha's heart was racing the whole time and half expected Rhaenyra to say I know your secret and drop her from the clouds but she didnt. When they landed Aemond was already begging to go back up. Alisha tumbled to the ground laying on her back, Kaida still laughing out on Alisha's stomach. 

"You are going to be the littlest dragon rider." Alisha deduced. 

"Please Uncle Laenor!" Aemond begged. "AGAIN! AGAIN! AGAIN!" 

To calm her racing heart, she decided she would definitely stay on the ground for a long while. Viserys worried she had gotten sick he couldnt find her after the flight but of course she was in the kitchen. 

"Ali, my love, I was worried about you, you didnt enjoy the flight?" Viserys questioned wrapping his arm around her. 

"It was... beautiful and terrifying, best way to put it." Alisha offered. 

"It certainly is, goodness gracious my love your heart is still racing." 

"Fresh bread fixes everything. It is common knowledge." Alisha assured as she kneaded the bread.  "Including fear of falling off a dragon. I'm hoping cooking us all supper will help slow my beating heart."

Viserys turned her to him and she touched his shoulders with flour filled fingers

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Viserys turned her to him and she touched his shoulders with flour filled fingers. 

"I'm proud of you." Viserys remarked. "YOu did something you never wanted to do."

"I did it for you and the kids... I think I would do anything you asked Viserys." Alisha remarked. Like trade places with the queen to be your queen and now I'm flying dragons and have baby dragons of my own and- all the thoughts swirled around her mind, she knew she should tell him but it was too late she was in too deep. She couldnt. 

"I love you. I'm glad you came out with us today." 

"I know Aegon loves being with you." Alisha agreed. "I love being with you." 

"I love being with you." 

I Think He Knows // Viserys TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now