30. Stir The Pot

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"Ali darling your father wrote."

That is quite impossible although would be remarkable because my father is long dead...

"Thats lovely. I will read it after I finish up these eggs." Alisha offered. What possibly could otto want? Otto hightower wants to see his daughter and grandchildren duh. Alisha held back a groan surely otto would notice an imposter but she did a well enough job tricking everyone else. Maybe he wouldnt.

Viserys nodded putting down the scroll

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Viserys nodded putting down the scroll.

"Havent received anything from Otto in a while, have you?" Viserys pondered. 

"We... ended things badly." Alisha offered. "As did you and him." Alisha recalled. 

"Touché." Viserys chuckled out before he breathed in the smell of the kitchen.  "The kitchen always smells so good." Viserys remarked coming up behind her. 

"YOu are in a good mood today." ALisha remarked. Anything to get his mind off Otto and the letter and her impending doom. ALisha looked him over and Viserys smiled back at her. "You look... taller." Alisha realized curiously. 

"I feel good. I took a bath with those magic oils and herbs you insisted and then some of that stuff that tastes like ass and I will tell you, Ali, you are magical."  Viserys declared kissing her cheek. 

"You really do feel good, don't you? You are not just faking for my benefit?" 

"I feel good. And thats thanks to you." Viserys agreed. Alisha squealed. 

"Oh! Viserys this is great, I'm so happy." 

The day passed without looking at the scroll but it was in the back of her mind as she ran through the gardens with the kids chasing after butterflies. Kaida was always giggling and Helaena was creating a new log book with all the flowers and creatures she found, she sketching them and making flower imprints. Viserys was showing her how to do imprints and she was having so much fun. 

Aemond wanted to be wherever his family was so he was running alongside Helaena waving for Alisha and Kaida to hurry up. Viserys loved to join them on their walks. He found the simplest of things were the most beneficial for his sanity. When the council was making his head spin he found Kaida's little laugh helped clear his mind. 

Rhaenyra had taken more responsibility but she knew when she became pregnant again that it wasnt Laenor's and she worried what Alicent would say, what her father would say. So she tried to do her best and learn in the council meetings, she wasnt a cup bearer anymore she was the heir and she would be treated with such respect. 

 When Viserys and Rhaenyra had meetings and Aegon had training, Kaida was napping and Helaena and Aemond had studies, ALisha talked with Criston. He told her about Dorne, the dornish marches and Criston would have thought she would have been bored by his stories but she leaned in listening intently. 

"Blood oranges!" Criston declared. "They grew in the plentiful and we had this blood orange chicken, it was in the sauce, I dont know what was in it but it was my favorite meal, I havent had it in ages." Criston moaned at the memory. 

"Then I will have to make you some." Alisha declared. 

"I didnt tell you to make you feel like you had to-" Criston corrected quickly 

"I know that but you are my friend." Alisha declared. "And I have been wanting to make you something but I didnt know what. Let me make you some blood orange chicken." Alisha begged. "Please dont deprive me of cooking new foods for my friends." 

"Well... if you insist." Criston agreed smiling back at her. 

"I do insist!" Alisha declared. 

"What did Otto say?" Viserys questioned as he got ready for bed. Alisha broke the seal, there was no avoiding it. She cleared her throat and took a sip of water procrastinating. 

"Dear daughter..." Alisha read off. "I hope you are well, word reached me that Kaida's first name day party was a success-" Alisha murmured. "-I'm sorry to say my invitation was lost... can't trust ravens." Alisha cleared her throat. "I hope to meet my granddaughter, but I understand if you would rather I stayed away. Your father... Otto." Alisha whispered. 

"Whats that Ali?" Viserys questioned. 

"Just saying he misses me and the kids." Alisha offered as she tossed it in the fire. She watched it burn and sizzle in the flames. 

"Whats wrong Ali?" Viserys questioned moving to her. 

"I just... my relationship with Ot- My father is complicated." Alisha offered. Viserys waited silently running his hand over her back. "Even the strongest feelings expire when ignored or taken granted for."

"Well said." Viserys agreed. 

"He is better off in Old Town." Alisha remarked. "Distance... and time much more time will do us both well." Alisha assured. 

"I thought the same with Rhaenyra but, you and her patched things up havent you?" 

"Yes... we... yes." Alisha agreed. "I wanted to please him and he was never satisfied." Alisha offered. "And... he always wanted more, I'm content with our lives I dont want him stirring the pot."

"You stir the pot." Viserys agreed. 

"Exactly and there can only be one stirrer or else things spill and bubble over and everything gets thrown into the flames." Alisha declared through an exasperated breath. 

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