22. Gooseberry

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State of Grace / Ned Stark out now!

"Criston I want to go to- damnit, can you help me up please?" Alisha requested and he pulled her off the couch. "Oh shoot my book-"

"I got it, you will tip right over if you get it." Criston assured bending over for the book. 

"Thank you, my back thanks you as well." Alisha agreed. "I want to go to the market again, I was reading up some olden proverbs and I found a few things I think might give Viserys some relief and wow!" Alisha declared putting a hand on her lower back. "I am winded from that." 

"Why dont you make a list and I will have someone go into town and get it for you." Criston offered. 

"Oh, that sounds lovely." Alisha agreed. "I dont know what do believe but I want to try them all." She offered as she flipped through the book again and got her quill ready. 

"I'm sure the king appreciates it." Criston agreed. 

"He will once he is felling like a 20 something." Alisha agreed. "Zinc, coconut oil, primrose, rosemary, Gooseberry-"

"Gooseberry?" Criston questioned. 

"It says it is also called Alma in certain regions." Alisha offered but Criston had not heard of it. "The high maesters journey says it improves the circulation of blood which thereby get your nerves feeling again by stimulating them." Alisha offered. "And unlike leechings this remedy just requires VIserys to drink a glass of water with a single teaspoon of Gooseberry... or alma powder stirred in first thing in the morning so it will be an empty stomach. Just a drink, that shouldnt be that hard right?" 

"Sounds easy enough, if it works." 

"That is the key, isnt it?" Alisha agreed. "If it works."

"Have faith, Ali." Criston remarked. 

"Turmeric if they can find it too." Alisha added passing off the note. "There are a few more items on there, anything they can find will be greatly appreciated." 

"I will get right on this, I will be right back, Ali." Criston remarked. 

"I'm going to check on Aemond I hear him up from his nap." Alisha remarked heading across the hall. "Hello honey," Alisha coed picking up Aemond. He smiled leaning into her. "Hi baby boy, you are about to be a big brother, what do you think about that?" 

Aemond shrugged nuzzling into her. 

"You will like the babe when it comes." Alisha assured as she put him down. "Did you have sweet dreams my little love?" 

"Yeah." Aemond agreed. 

"What did you dream of?"

"Dragons." Aemond answered immediately. Alisha should have known, Aemond always dreamed of Dragons, he loved them. 


Alisha had this problem when she was pregnant with Aemond but she didnt think about it for a while so when the time came that she couldnt see her toes or put on her shoes she was upset. But then she tried to make her children breakfast and her stomach bumped the counter. 

"You are all stomach." Viserys remarked. 

"I... I..." Alisha reached out for the whisk. "I can't reach!" Alisha declared. "What the hell?"

"Oh, you can't put your shoes on no big deal you cant whisk up a five course meal and that is a true problem." Viserys teased. 

"Yes, yes it is, thank you for understanding." Alisha agreed. "Oh Viserys, I... well you see I had some herbs brought in for you to test." 

"You did?" 

"Yes, I want to try them out, a few you can just add to the bath and it is supposed to help. Certain oils and such, like  Tea tree oil can kill a number of bacterias and fungi apparently. So if we take a couple drops of the oil in a bathtub of warm water. Once the oil is the water, you should soak the affected areas in the water. The oil and water should help the dry skin to more or less come right off. Is that not exciting?" Alisha offered. 

"It certainly is." Viserys agreed. 

"And Lavender oil is amazing when it comes to relieving pain or numbness in muscles, I was reading a journal from braavos and it said when massages into the muscles it helps too because it has a strong calming property." Alisha declared. Viserys loved that she was trying to heal him. "I'm going mix three drops of the lavender oil with three drops of olive oil.  Warm the mixture and give you a massage." 

"I like the sound of that." Viserys agreed. 

"Once I can reach past my stomach that is." Alisha corrected. "But the bath we can start with." She assured. 

"Thank you," Viserys whispered kissing her. 

"This little baby needs you and those three, and me." Alisha declared. "I need you Viserys."

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