9. Queen of the Kitchen

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Viserys watched as Alisha cooked. Hips swaying a hum in her throat as she moved. He had never seen her so content.

"My lovely little wife." She turned around whisk in hand and dripping to the floor as she smiled back at Viserys.

"Hello my lovely husband." Alisha coed.

"What are you making?" Viserys questioned getting closer.

"Laenor said he liked hot pies and I have a new... I mean I saw, a pie that looked beautiful, so I was going to try it. The veggies and meat have been prepped and are stewing." Alisha declared. Viserys had never seen her more excited. "I'm making a salad as well and rolls. Aegon loves bread. So do I." Viserys didnt remember the last time Alicent ate bread, or sweets of any kind. But now he saw her eating all foods, all flavors, it was wonderfully beautiful seeing her enjoy cooking and baking.

Alisha scattered flour along the counter, brushing her hands on her apron as she looked to Viserys.

"Whats that gorgeous smile for?" Viserys questioned.

"I'm... I'm... I think I'm pregnant." Alisha remarked cautiously.

"Oh, Ali love thats wonderful! That's amazing! A child, another child!" Viserys declared as he kissed her and it made Alisha so happy. She clung to him, getting flour on his back.

"I'm really excited." Aisha agreed.

"This is so wonderful, Ali. So perfect, I'm so happy."

Aegon held up a spatula waving it like a magic wand.


"Help mama with the rolls!" Alisha declared. She helped Aegon up onto a stool and she moved the bowl in front of him. "Hold your hands out." Alisha instructed Aegon smiled up at her holding his hands over the table. Viserys smiled as she sprinkled flour over Aegon's hand. He laughed out.

Alisha pulled the dough out of the bowl and put it onto the table again. She stood behind Aegon and rolled it out.

Viserys spent hours just watching them cook

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Viserys spent hours just watching them cook. Alisha handed Aegon a rolling pin and he waved it around.

"Hit the walnuts." Alisha instructed. Viserys cocked his head as he watched them. "Like this, bam, bam," ALisha instructed. Aegon smirked before he hit the rolling pin down on the walnuts under the cloth to keep them in place. He looked to Alisha wanting to make sure he wasnt going to get in trouble and she nodded.

"Just like that!" Alisha declared proudly. "Come join us." Alisha said reaching out for Viserys. 

"What can I help you with my gorgeous chef?" Viserys questioned. 

"Once I roll out the dough, can you cut it into little triangles?" Alisha questioned and Viserys held out his hand. 

"Put me to work boss.'' She put a knife in his hand and went back to rolling. He watched her as she made the first cut. 

"So then once cut I will roll them, or you can if you are up for the challenge." Alisha mused. Viserys knew his missing arm was a challenge but Alisha didnt make it seem like it was. When he was with her she felt whole. 

"That's not yummy." Aegon decided as he spit out the walnut piece. 

"This will be though, can you help daddy roll the rolls?" Alisha questioned. 

Alisha filled the pot pie, forming and crafting the dough as she worked pinching the edges. Viserys had never seen her like this before. 

Aegon peered in into the stone over, the fire making the stone hot, encasing the heat and baking the bread. 

"What do you think my love, are they ready?" Alisha questioned as she carefully pulled the rolls out

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"What do you think my love, are they ready?" Alisha questioned as she carefully pulled the rolls out. The pot pie needed longer to bake. She broke a roll in half and Aegon took a bite.

"Good, its good." Aegon agreed. 

"Ive never tasted something so simple, yet so perfect." Viserys remarked. 

"You really like it?" Alisha countered. 

"It's perfect. I had not known you were such a chef. I would have been taking advantage of your skills, my tongue has been severely deprived." Viserys declared. Alisha kissed him and he brought his hand to her cheek keeping her with him. 

"Cookies?" Aegon questioned. 

"Oh! I was thinking cheesecake." Alisha corrected as she leaned into Viserys. 

"Cheese for dessert?" Aegon countered sticking his tongue out and shaking his head. 

"You will love it. I promise." ALisha corrected. "I need my sous chef."

"What chef?" Aegon countered as she got another bowl out. 

"My second in command." Alisha declared. "Like daddy has the hand, Lord Strong. I have you. My helper." Alisha explained. 

"I'm like the king." Aegon realized. 

"The hand of the king." Viserys offered. "Mama is definitely the queen in every room. But I think you rule over the kitchens the best lately." 

"Thats the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me." Alisha declared. "Queen of the kitchen." she giggled out as they got to work.

The cooks and Chefs, although were glad for a break were very confused when the queen came into the kitchen, then again and again and seemed to spend most of her time cooking. 

What they found even more surprising was when she wanted to learn from them or she was teaching them something new. 

There was something very strange about the queen everyone decided, maybe it was pregnancy but they hoped she wouldnt go back to her old self. 

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