5. Thrilling

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Untouched Gold / Tywin Lannister / Avalon Targaryen out now!!

"Alicent?" Viserys rasped and Alisha shot up nervously. She shouldnt have been in the kings bed but she was worried and he wasnt waking up and wanted to be here when he woke.

"Hi." She whispered wiping at her eyes.

"You're here."

"I- well yes." Alisha agreed. "I am your wife." She reminded him. But she remembered this wasnt a normal union. Sharing a bed laying beside him. There was a reason Alicent so desperately needed to get out.

"Yes." Viserys agreed. He just didn't remember the last time Alicent had showed him this much affection before.

"Im sorry. I should have asked-"

"No." Viserys corrected. "Its nice". He assured and Alisha nodded.

"The maesters they had to..." she touched his hand. He looked to her hand before his phantom limb tried to move. He stared down at his arm. His nonexistent arm. "Why didnt you tell me you were sick?"

"I didnt want you to worry". Viserys offered as she kissed his cheek. "Im sorry. I should have told you. No more secrets". Viserys told her kissing her hand.

"No more secrets". Alisha whispered feeling her heart race. Expect that im not Alicent not your queen or your bride and very much a virgin and have never birthed a child into the world but now I have two Alisha thought as she lay back down beside him.

The next three moons were an adjustment. Alisha was trying to figure out being a queen. Bonding with her new children and navigating the capital. The castle.

She spent every night beside Viserys for a few reasons one being she kept forgetting how to get to her own chambers and two she did like viserys. She liked him a lot. He was smart and sweet and talked to her constantly.

Alisha wasnt suprised that Rhaenyra still avoided her but Rhaenyra had been wed she assumed she was spending a lot of time with her handsome new husband.

Aegon was just over three and he didnt say much. They all told Alisha he cried and whined but never said much.

Alisha was making it her mission to change that.

Helaena was captivated by a caterpillar on the ground as she scooted towards it reaching out.

"Be gentle my dear. So gentle". Alisha requested letting the caterpillar inch its way onto her hand. "See gentle. If you love the little creatures they will show you kindness too." Alisha offered and Helaena locked eyes with Alisha.

She kept waiting for the children to scream that she wasnt mommy. This is an imposter. But they didnt.

The hand maidens and servants saw the difference in the queen. Most assumed that almost losing viserys had changed her attitude. Realizing how fragile life was. Alisha knew how fragile life was. She tended to her gran up until her last day last breath. This however was all new to her. Being a mother and wife. A queen.


"Come on mama!" Aegon shouted pulling on her hand.

Criston had seen the change and he wasnt even Alicents guard before this. He was Rhaenyras guard. Yet he saw the light that flowed through the capital now.

"Im right behind you." Alisha agreed bending forward awkwardly as he tugged on her hand.

"Your grace." Criston called out. "Are you feeling alright?"

"Yes. Im great. So wonderful." Alisha assured. "Aegon has become so talkative and fast. Ser criston he is so fast!" Alisha declared as Aegon pulled her along. "Have these dresses always been so heavy?" Alisha questioned more to herself. She wore simple dresses one layer not all the layers and having to be tied up and undone at night.

"The prince and princess have really opened up." Criston agreed. "Its nice to see you smiling as well your grace."

"Oh... thank you. Thats... thank you." Alisha remarked shyly.

"Have you noticed a difference in the queen?" Viserys questioned Lyonel stared back at him confused. "She just seems so different and so wonderful... something changed in her. I like this new Alicent."

"She certainly has changed." Lyonel agreed. "Its good to see you smiling again. I hadnt seen you-" lyonel stopped himself.

"What? Speak your mind. I always appreciate your candor." Viserys assured.

"I havent seen you smile like this since Aemma was here." Lyonel admitted. Viserys opened his mouth to object but he was right. Alicent and him had never really connected. Yes over history and she was sweet and kind but love wasnt there.

But these last few moons he really felt the love with Alicent he had never felt before. It was refreshing. It was thrilling. It was love. Real and true.

I Think He Knows // Viserys TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now