12. Ripped Apart

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How was Alisha supposed to say ive never delivered a baby before. I dont know what im doing. Is it supposed to hurt this much? I feel like im being ripped apart.

How was she supposed to say is this normal? This feeling? She was sweating and sore and had a woman between her legs probing at her most sensitive region while a babe was trying to come into the world.

How was she supposed to ask is this normal? Are you supposed to be down there? Is it supposed to hurt this much? Like really this much?

So many questions so many feelings so many emotions. She stuffed them down knowing it wasnt right to ask.

"Its your third your grace." They reminded her. "Your body knows what to do. Dont worry."

"Yeah," she whimpered out. This was too much. She couldnt do this. She didnt feel well.

"Another push!"

Alisha screamed out it was never ending. Your body knows what to do but what if it didnt? She had not done this before she didnt know. She pushed again. Give me everything you got they requested and she did and her screams echoed with her new baby boy. She never felt so much pride and so much pain all at once.

"A boy your grace. A boy!"

"A boy." Alisha rasped.

When Viserys came in he sat beside her kissing her temple. Smiling down at their new boy.

"You did so well." Viserys coed. "Look at this handsome lad you made."

Alisha felt disgusting and tired. Exhausted really. Her body ached and skin sagged her breasts were tight her head pounded and she had a desecrated lower half she was sure of it after pushing a baby from her body. He was tall already. So handsome. Alisha cradled him to her. This was her son.

Aegon and Helaena were her children she loved them but this baby right here was her son. Hers. She carried him for moons protected him loved him already. She loved Aegon and Helaena she really did. They were sweet children but Aemond... her aemond. There was something special about Aemond she could see it now.


Alisha stayed in bed all day cradling little Aemond to her. Falling in and out of sleep with Aemond suckling at her teat and falling asleep against her.

She could have stayed in bed the whole moon. Would have been content never moving again. But Aegon came running in at top speed yelling for mama.

"Hi honey you gotta be quiet your little brother is sleeping." Alisha coed reaching out for him.

"Quiet." Aegon repeated smiling back at her.

"This is Aemond. Your baby brother. Are you going to protect him? Look out for him?" Alisha asked Aegon failed at climbing up he nodded as she pulled Aegon up in bed with them.

Alisha ran a hand over Aegon's head as Aemond blinked back at Aegon debating. 

"Hi, I'm your brother." Aegon whispered waving at Aemond. Aemond gave a few slow blinks before closing his eyes and nuzzling back into Alisha. 

She was sore, her body stretched but she loved her life. She wondered how Alicent was doing, if she stayed in her grandmothers home or if she kept going, ALisha hoped her life was as wonderful as her own. 

Each passing moon with Viserys Alisha couldnt understand why Alicent wanted an escape so badly, Viserys was sweet. He was loving and kind and considerate. 

"You stay in bed." Viserys instructed and Alisha smiled back at him. "Im making you breakfast." He added.

"Oh really!" Alisha exclaimed "i didnt know you could cook."

"Man of... I would say many talents but-"

"I think you are talented." Alisha assured him. "And handsome and kind."

"You are too sweet." Viserys declared kissing her. "I will be right back."

Alisha settled in bed Aemond already curled up beside her. She was content. More than content she loved her life and it was never a life she pictured for herself. She hadnt thought about her future her but now she couldnt imagine another life. 

"Alright my father knew how to bake one thing." Viserys remarked. "He made it when he took my camping, I hated camping, but Daemon loved it."

"You dont seem like the camping type." Alisha agreed. 

"I'm not, I like my books and not bugs crawling all over me as we slept under the stars." 

"Sleeping under the stars, that sounds fun." Alisha remarked. She had indeed done quite a bit of camping but it wasnt called camping, it was just living. She slept under the stars more often than not as she was getting from one place to another. She didnt have the means or money to stay in inn's. But of course there were parts of Alisha's life that had to stay hidden away. Because she was Alicent hightower now. 

"Baked apples stuffed with roasted nuts and dried berries topped with a caramel glaze." Viserys remarked pouring over the caramel.

" Viserys remarked pouring over the caramel

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"This looks delicious!" Alisha declared. "Your father made this?"

"We found the apples and the nuts in the wild, like animals." Viserys agreed with a chuckle and Alisha choked out a laugh. "I felt like a squirrel the first time he said to gather nuts." Alisha reached out touching his cheek. She forget at times that he was a prince before he was the king because he seemed so down to earth, not prissy and pompous like she expected royalty to be. 

"But this became our tradition and it was the only thing I enjoyed about camping with my father and brother." Viserys remarked. Alisha took a bite. 

"Your father would be proud, this is definitely delicious." Alisha declared. "I'm impressed."

"I'm glad I could treat you for once." 

I Think He Knows // Viserys TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now