Chapter 23: Light

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As I past through the door which I believe was leading me to the god of light I soon find myself in a large open field and just looking at it I could see how different the two brothers are as I see the god of light standing looking out into the distance.

"I knew you would come once I sensed my brother's life vanish from his realm I knew you would soon come for me but I am not like my brother as I am willing to talk" the god of light said as I keep my hand on my sword should he choose to attack while at the same time keeping space between us. "I'm sure you know why I'm here so please just give me what I want and I'll leave" I tell him as the god of light turns to face me but I hold my ground as he steps forward. "I'm sorry about killing your brother but he left me no other choice so please don't make me do this" I say as the god of light was now an inch away from me and I could feel a strong force coming from his body.

"My brother stood in your way and I understand your reason but will my power truly make you happy for the power we both have is far beyond any mortals understanding but should you walk away I could grant you the thing you want most" the god of light said as I watch him wave his hand and I suddenly see the scene around me change as I find myself in front of a small cottage. I see the door open and I am greeted by Yang and Winter along with four small children who ran over to me and hug me while calling me daddy I knew straight away this was just an illusion but for a moment I allowed myself to become lost in it as I hug the children before looking at Yang and Winter.

"I need to talk with your mothers so go and play ok" I tell the kids as they nod and ran off to play as I speak with the illusions of Yang and Winter. "I know your not real but I still feel happy to see you both" I tell them and the illusions hug me before pulling back to look me in the eyes. "You dummy this could be real if you abandon this quest" Yang said as I for a moment wished this was real to hold them again to no longer worry if they will be ok t was truly what I wanted but I also knew this was beyond just me.

"I can't this quest is not just about me it's about a whole lot more" I tell her as Winter placed a hand on my shoulder. "We understand that but look at yourself, you are tired while others are not why should you continue to risk everything and gain nothing" Winter told me as I think back to how I fail so many people Pyrrah, Ironwood and all the people of Atlas who lost their homes. "Your right I risk everything and gain nothing or at least that was how it was before but then I got sent to Beacon and things changed because I made true friends who accepted me for who I was even when they learned my secret they never left me and to stop now would be a slap in the face to them" I tell them as I see Winter walk over to Yang.

"The path your walking is a lonely one can you truly take the weight of all the live on Remnant and The Ever After" Yang asked as I looked over my shoulder and saw the kids I could have and wonder if I was making the right choice but in my heart I knew it was. "I'm not sure but to abandon those who have stood by me through all my issues and helping me grow well then I wouldn't have the right to be called a friend" I tell them and I see them smile before walking over to give me a hug.

"That's the man we fell in love with never lose that even after you gain the power you seek because that kind of power can corrupt a person" Winter says as I watched them back up as the kid run past me but not before wishing me luck and vanish as quickly as they appeared as I looked at the god of light. "It seems you made your choice" he said as I turn to face him I watched as he stuck his hand out to me. "Why do you accept this are you not afraid of dying?" I asked the god of light who seems puzzled by my question before giving his answer.

"Every living thing fears death but for me and my brother it was never something for us until you came and as I watched your battle I came to a conclusion that death is not something to take lightly but I learned this far to late" the god of light said as I knew what he was talking about. "Salem!" I say as he nods. "Yes we foolishly believed we were teaching her to respect death but in reality we had only taken her fear of death away which is why I now want to fix that which we have broken and through you I see that a brighter tomorrow" the god of light tells me while still offering his hand to me but I soon take it and he slowly absorbs into me as I feel the two brothers powers becoming one.

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