Chapter 7: The Fall

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After what happened with the Hulk I soon wake up only to find myself in a room chained to the floor as Ozpin and Goodwitch walk in. "What is this?" I asked as Ozpin took a seat in front of me and he asked me to explain what he showed me which was the Hulk rampaging in Beacon and so I explain to him about my accident which made me the way I am but he soon informs me that he has called Ironwood about this and I soon looked at him in horror.

"Listen Ozpin if Ironwood gets his hands on the Hulk it will not end well for anyone" I tell him as both he and Goodwitch looked at me confused. "Explain?" Goodwitch asked as I told her about Ironwood being the one who requested a super soldier and if he got the Hulk it would only end with destruction. "Until we have spoken with Ironwood you will need to remain here as we can't risk the other students safety" Ozpin told me, I understood his reason and accepted it but I did warn him to be careful with Ironwood before I see them leave.

With Team RWBY

Yang was sitting on her bed thinking about what she had just seen before everyone starts talking about it. "He lost it again" Ruby said as everyone was lost in thought however they all soon noticed the Atlas ships arriving as they rushed outside as they see Ironwood and Winter walking towards the school and Ironwood had a serious look in his eyes as they both head up to Ozpin's office.

"Ozpin thank you for calling me about this if I had known I would never had sent him" Ironwood told Ozpin as he took a sip of his coffee. "No James it's quite alright after all you had no idea however some information has been brought to my attention and I need to ask what do you intend to do with the boy?" Ozpin asked as Ironwoon pulls up a screen of his plan or at least what it was at the start. "I will take him back to Atlas where we can monitor him but also discover how this is even possible and maybe we can replicate it" Ironwood stated as Winter looked just as surprised by this as Goodwitch and Ozpin were.

"James this is someones life your talking about and right now he is suffering from something which none of us understand and to treat him like some beast you can experiment on is disgusting" Ozpin said as Ironwood slammed his hands on Ozpin's desk. "Oz this could be our best chance at defeating her with an army of these creatures no Grimm would stand a chance not even her" Ironwood stated as Winter decides to leave and check on you as she couldn't help but feel sorry for you.

To You

Winter enters the room where you were being held and sees how your chained up like some wild animal and it makes her sad as you look up and see her standing there in front of you.

"Winter is that you?" I asked as Winter steps forward and sat on the chair in front of me as I see the sadness behind her eyes. "I take it you know" I say and she nods at me but I couldn't think of what to say as. "You should have told me so why didn't you?" Winter asked as I knew she wanted answers to these sudden questions she has as I look her in the eyes and tell her the truth.

"I didn't want Ironwood to know because he no doubt just exposed plans for me and the Hulk if he tries to unleash this thing it will only bring destruction" I tell her as she was about to speak as Ironwood walks in looking not to happy as he steps up to me. "I should have you shot for this act of betrayal but you have the key to our survival but make no mistake once I have what I need you will be punished" Ironwood said as he walked out with Winter and I knew things were going to get worse the question was how bad.

Time Skip

It had been a couple days since you were locked up away from the other students but in that time you had not turned once which was good and thanks to Ozpin Ironwood was kept away from you but you still couldn't shake the uneasy feeling before a loud explosion caught your attention.

"HEY SOMEONE OUT THERE" I shout hoping to get some help as the door opens but I soon saw it was the guy who was working with Cinder. "Looks like it's my lucky day now then lets get what we need before your big green friend shows up" the man said as he pulls out a syringe which he stuck into my arm and begins stealing some of my blood. "Stop you don't know what your doing" I told him as he takes the blood filled syringe and starts to leave and all I could think of what was going on and this started to make me angry as my transformation begins after which I burst through the floor and see the destruction as White Fang and Grimm assult Beacon.

Hulk begins to attack Grimm that stood in front of him before hearing a voice it was Blakes and he jumps over to the location where he sees a man with red hair about to attack her and Yang before smacking him away. "Friends hurt" Hulk said as he picks them up and makes an escape everyone escaped from Beacon but the day came at a cost as Pyraah Nikos lost her life.

After that Ruby, Jaune, Nora and Ren decided to go on a journey to seek out answers, Weiss was forced to return to Atlas, Blake ran away out of fear but as for you Ironwood captured you once you calmed down and now has you locked up like a beast in a cage.

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