Chapter 12: Downfall

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As the war between Salem's forces rage on the Hulk's join the battle as another threat would soon appear to stop them.

"Lets do this Grey boy" Winter says as Grey Hulk launched her through some Grimm as Yang protected him from any attacks from behind. "There is no end to them" Yang said as all three of them start destroying every Grimm that crossed them. "These are just small fries the real threat is over there and I think it's time for me to fix it" Grey Hulk said before jumping off even as Yang and Winter shout for him to stop but he was already gone.

With Salem

Salem had just finished reforming as Grey Hulk arrived looking a litt happy to see her as he cracked his knuckles. "So your the big bad Salem I hear your immortal lets see if you can come back from a grey matter beatdown" Grey Hulk says as he rushed at Salem but before he could even throw a punch someone knocked him away with a punch to the face making him land away from her.

"YOU STAY AWAY FROM HER YOU UGLY BEAST" the attacker says as Grey Hulk looked at him and smirks before laughing a little. "Me ugly have you tried looking in a mirror because I that body is gross as fuck" Grey Hulk said as the monster in front of him calls himself Tyrian but his new name is the Abomination which fit his new look.

The Abomination

"You will not beat me after all I have all your powers" Abomination says as Grey Hulk stood up before cracking his neck

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"You will not beat me after all I have all your powers" Abomination says as Grey Hulk stood up before cracking his neck. "If that's the best you can do then I guess that ugly body if just for show" Grey Hulk said as he charged at Abomination and goes for a tackle but Abomination was much bigger and also stronger as he picked up Grey Hulk and tossed him but Grey Hulk does get back up and rushed at Abomination again only this time he does knock him to the ground. "Let see if that ugly body knows how to fly" Grey Hulk said before taking hold of Abomination's leg and swings him around only to soon let go making him go crashing into Atlas as he turns towards Salem.

"Just you and me but lets just get to the smashing" Grey Hulk said as he starts walking over to Salem who looks like she just doesn't care as he was now and inch away from her. "Your not like that green beast your smarter but I can also tell your not as strong meaning your useless to me" Salem says before getting grabbed by the throat but she was unfazed as Grey Hulk continues to apply pressure with no result.

Salem soon used her magic to blast Grey Hulk off her as she walks towards him with a smile on her face. "I have to say the green monster was much more interesting that you but I guess we can't all get what we want as for you begone" Salem said as she send Grey Hulk flying back into Mantle where he goes crashing through a strange portal leading to this wide open void with lots of doors leading to a single door as team RWBY, Winter, Penny and Jaune were fighting Cinder and Neo.

The battle was intense as Grey Hulk soon saw Yang get knocked off the edge and vanish soon followed by Blake, Weiss as Ruby and Neo fall over the edge but Ruby managed to save them both by grabbing the edge however Cinder soon knocks her off before turning to Winter who she was able to knock off causing Grey Hulk to snap. "CINDER I'M GOING TO MAKE YOU PAY FOR THAT" Grey Hulk shouts as he rushed at Cinder pushing through her attacks before grabbing her and slamming her into the platform with all the force he could making small cracks which grew bigger and bigger. "F/n you must stop before the platform breaks" Penny says as she got close to him but Grey Hulk just knocked her through the portal before Cinder escapes his grasp and takes the spear.

"Hey get your butt down here I'm not done smashing yet" Grey Hulk tells Cinder but she smiled before attacking him but it did nothing except piss him off as he jumps up and grabbed her again and starts squeezing the life out of her. "I'm going to pop you like a zit and enjoy watching the life leave your body" Grey Hulk says as he applies a little more pressure and the smile on his face made Jaune a little worried that this Hulk might be changing you personality.

Cinder used her maiden power to knock Jaune off making Grey Hulk choose between him or her now Grey Hulk didn't really care however your quick to regain control as you made a quick change back and rushed towards Jaune just as he fell but you managed to catch him but this allows Cinder to escape. "Trouble with good guys like you they always finish last goodbye" Cinder flies away as everything begins to vanish I try to pull Jaune up but my body was still weak from the quick change.

"F/n let me go save yourself" Jaune tells me but I ignore him and continue trying to pull him up as the floor begins to crumble. "I'm not leaving you behind after all we are friends" I tell him with a smile on my face as I knew time was up as the floor finally gives and both me and Jaune fall into the pitch black abyss the only thought on my mind was will I see Yang and Winter again who really knows.

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