Chapter 16: Rusted Knight

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After escaping the kingdom of the Red Prince you collapsed as the others do everything they can to help you but it didn't help as you were physically exhausted from all the shock you suffered while in the kingdom but after a couple hours you woke up and see the worry on everyones faces. "What is it?" I asked as I picked them up and start walking in the hopes of finding the way to make them normal size again I soon noticed Yang and Winter sit on my shoulders and speak to me. "You should rest some more" Yang says but I don't listen as I was too busy with the goal in front of me plus right now she and the others are in more danger the longer they stay small.

"I will rest when I've got you all back to normal" I tell them but even then I was fighting the pain my body was in I manage to make it find a hut with what looks like supplies mostly medical as I begin looking through the books. "There has to be something in one of these I just need to find it" I say as the others over hear and watched as I search through every book looking for answers.

"Is it just me or does he seem troubled" Blake said as Yang and Winter couldn't help but look at your back as your searching. "He's trying to do everything from protecting us to finding a way to return us to normal and it's making him put all of it on his shoulders" Weiss states as everyone knew she was right when it came to them in their current form they couldn't fight anything so you had to fight same for finding the cure. "He feels alone just like at Beacon and none of us noticed" Ruby said as they all became startled when I dropped a book on the table and open it to a page.

"Found it looks like a simple dessert called a growgurt but it seems we are in luck as a place called The Garden has what we need to make it" I tell them as I pick them up and head off for the place on the way we run into the cat again and he ads us to it which helps make the trip much quicker. As we travel to the place we listen to the cat explain this world but it felt like he was keeping things from us but for now I was just happy that I would be able to return them to normal as we arrive.

"Now I will gather the ingredients needed for the growgurt so stay out of trouble" the cat said as I looked around a little before I suddenly found myself in what looked like a workshop with a strange woman working on something. "Where am I?" I asked as the woman just keeps working but does speak to me. "You are somewhere and nowhere but the question is who are you?" the woman said as I see weapons around the workshop before I suddenly find myself back at The Garden as the cat returns with the ingredients as we start making the growgurt before screams erupt as I see the Jabberwalker.

"Get them back to normal I'll buy you some time" I tell the cat as I place the others on the table before standing in it's way. "Come on" I say as it roars and rushed at me but I learned how it fights so I go under it and throw it over my shoulder before jumping on it's back and lock it in a chokehold but it starts trying to shake me off. I keep holding on until it runs into the table knocking the growgurt onto the ground before I'm thrown off only to soon see it eat some of the growgurt and double in size before I see it go to stomp on my friends forcing me to charge at it to stop it from moving but it claws at my back but I keep hold.

"F/n let it go" I hear Weiss shout as I ignore her and fight through the pain as it continues to claw at my back. "I will not let you hurt them, I am their protector and you will not pass me" I say before I feel it latch it's claws into my back and throw me into wall but the others managed to get back to their normal size as I watched them destroy it only for it to be revealed to be one of Neo's fakes as I see a knight in rusted armour walk over and help me up before more Jabberwalks begin to swarm The Garden. "" I say in a weak tone before we all walk to the top and see the carnage that the Jabberwalks had brought but I was struggling to even stand as my body finally wanted to quit on me.

The Rusted Knight takes us into a hidden passge where we stop for a moment as he past me I noticed something about him which was familiar and he soon reveals himself with a single word. "Good work JNRP" the Rusted Knight says before taking off his helmet and my suspicion was correct it was Jaune only he seem to be a little older than the last time I saw him. "I'm glad to see your all ok" Jaune said as I smile before I pass out from the pain but even then I could still feel my body being moved and something cold being rubbed on my wounds before finally being layed down most likely to rest.

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