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I knew my existence wasn't worth remembering from the moment I grew to obtain sentience. I'd prepared myself for that ending, counted on it. I did not think my departure from life would account for this for one second. I wasn't one of hot commodities. I faded to the back; ignored the status quo, but that all changed. I managed to become something more—something of deep want, almost a need. And still, with all of what I'd come to create, my death wouldn't be anything but a stain on the fabric of time—a fissure in my trapped savior's heart.

If I could have gasped, I would have. I couldn't see the only person that mattered one last time, and I would die. I couldn't apologize for leaving like this nor reconcile the forthcoming damage.

I love you. I love you, I love you. I thought to the universe, hoping and praying that some way, my last message would make it to him. I didn't have time to apologize.

The inky blackness slinked over my arms, coiling around my fingers and toes like vines coated in the sour taste of defeat. Even worse, the burn in my throat notified me of my demise. I needed to scream...

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