Chapter Nineteen

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I kept my mind at a minimum, ignoring my hyperrealistic dream. I let myself indulge in my feelings for Lyall, letting myself be with him in a way that left no room for another thought, any other feeling. My senses were all Lyall as he took me on a date to the movies. Maybe it didn't count as a date, or maybe it did, but all I know is that our entire friend group tagged along. I'd tried to press that in the face of the murders and the upcoming full moon, maybe a movie date wasn't something of top priority. To that, Lyall countered that I was their key. The person behind the murders and impending ritual wouldn't get anywhere without me, and Lyall along with the others wouldn't let anyone get close enough to try it.

When Lyall and I finally came to my house from the theater, I dove into a complete dissection of everyone's mood and dispositions.

"See, but I'm sure that Erica might like Marleene, and it's also possible that Jason likes Erica. Though it was kind of hard to tell because everyone was on edge," I said, pacing in my room.

When we were at the theater, I couldn't help but notice the way Marleene watched Erica. There was something real, something deep and strong between them. I'd voiced my opinion once to Erica, but I wasn't sure if she'd taken it to heart, until tonight. She watched Marleene back skeptically, like she'd finally contemplated her existence. It was adorable to see, and yet, Jason had to ruin each moment, trying to pull Erica's attention from the silent and personal moments she'd almost had with Marleene.

"Well, the full moon is in less than a week," Lyall said from my bed, pulling me from my evaluations. "You gotta give them credit for not having a snippy attitude."

"Attitudes aside, Erica is starting to get in on whatever Marleene is giving out," I said.

"Well if it's meant to be, then it'll happen. I don't think its your job to do anything about it."

"That could be true, but if it weren't for Marleene, I don't think you would be in my room right now," I pointed out.

"I'm not trying to disprove your point," Lyall said, his palms facing me, "but it's nearly the full moon. Hormones are bound to be on the rise. Marleene might be putting out more... energy, I guess you could say, and Erica is just sensitive to it right now. It doesn't mean they're actually going to work out."

"And why do you say that?"

"You don't know them like I do. They wouldn't match well together. Erica is very... outwardly focused. Marleene focuses more inward."

"But then again, opposites attract."

"Can we not focus on them. I'm going to have to be chained up in a few days, and I'm going to be missing you every second. Don't you think we could spend some time... talking about us?" he said. I hoped he didn't see me flinch at the words 'chained up'.

"Okay, then, " I said after long moments of thinking, "I've got a question."


"If they're all hyped up on hormones and attityudes because of the full moon, why aren't you as... on edge," I asked, sitting at my computer desk, swiveling the chair so that I faced him.

"Hm," he pondered, "maybe because I have you."

My face heated, "Be serious, Lyall."

"I am. The only difference from the full moon last month, and the one coming up, is you. I think that's a fair enough hypothesis, don't you think?"

"I don't think having a boyfriend changes the way you act during the full moon. I would think the basis of shifting into a wolf is strictly natural, strictly biological. I don't think the mind would have anything to do with it."

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