Ch.14: Celebration.

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They finally reached Yavin-IV.

They quickly settled their ships down in the hangars and jumped out, immediately greeted by their cheering, fellow rebels.

Serene jumped into Luke's arms and he lifted her in the air, laughing.

There were hugs, handshakes, pats on the backs, and yells of joy and relief all around them.

He quickly settled her down and turned to others.

Making her way through the gigantic crowd of rebels, Rienia finally found her.

The Twi'lek squealed and pulled her in her arms.

"You did it! You did it!"

"We did it!"

Leia and Liam ran towards them and jumped in their arms with excitement

Luke spun Leia around laughing as Liam shook Serene shoulders back and forth like an excited little kid.

They finally noticed Han, Nahaia, and Chewbacca in the crowd and quickly joined them.

Leia was pulled into the Rainbow Angel's arms just as Luke hugged Han.

"I just knew you'd come back!" he exclaimed.

"I wasn't gonna let you get all the credit and take all the reward!"Han joked.

Leia laughed as she pulled Liam into a hug.

Luke let go of Han and hugged Nahaia, just as Liam approached Han.

"I knew there was more to you than money!" he smiled.

Han smiled and was about to go in for a hug, but then they awkwardly stopped in the middle.

Liam's cheeks turned red.

"Uh..." Liam stuck out his hand and Han took hold of it. "Welcome back Han."

"Uh... Thanks."

Nahaia, with Luke's arm around her shoulders, laughed at the duo.

Slowly, the droids were lowered out of the X-Wings.

"Oh no," Luke muttered, pulling away from Nahaia.

"Oh my! R2, can you hear me?" C-3PO exclaimed, coming into view.

R2 was lowered to the ground.

"Say something!" the golden droid said. He turned to an engineer. "You can repair him, can't you?"

"We'll get to work on him right away."

"You must repair him!" he turned to Luke, "Sir, if any of my circuits or gears will help, I'll gladly donate them!"

"He'll be alright," Luke smiled.

"Don't worry 3PO!" Serene jumped in, "M1 will help out, right Emmy?"

The purple R2 unit rolled into view and beeped in agreement.

- - -

During the week that passed, there were no festivities. Not a single laugh could be heard, not a single smile could be seen.

Indeed, they'd dedicated the entire week to the fallen in battle.

Luke had been extremely heartbroken over the loss of Biggs.

He'd just found him again, after all those years, and he was already gone.

Serene shared his sadness. She, Luke, and Biggs had grown up together. They'd known each other ever since their youngest age.

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