Ch.15: A new page.

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"Please rise... Jedi Master Serene Kenobi-Lamar," Zara finished, her face glowing.

All eyes slowly turned to Serene, whose eyes were wide.

"But- what- me? I'm not- I don't even have my own lightsaber- just a padawan- I don't-"

Leia rolled her eyes and grabbed the girl's shoulders. She pulled her to her feet.

Serene stared at her mother, who seemed extremely amused.

"Am I... Am I even ready?" she said.

"Your father and I believe you are," Zara said brightly.

"Wait... the old guy?" Han questioned quietly. "I thought he died."

"He did. It's irrelevant right now," Liam whispered.

"Sure. Irrelevant. Why not. Redhead gets a job promotion, old men rise from the dead. All in a normal day's work," Han mumbled.

Zara smiled and said: "Your father and I have taught you all we could. There isn't much more you can learn from us. You continued your training during your years with the Resistance, and you proved yourself an excellent Force user. You're ready to brave this world as a Master."

Smiling, Luke started clapping. Leia, Liam, and Zara immediately joined in. Soon, Nahaia and Chewbacca mimicked their actions and the green-haired girl slapped the back of Han's head when he decided he preferred eating his sandwich.

Serene was overwhelmed. Her face was glowing and her lips perked up in a smile. She'd just become a Jedi Master! All her friends were clapping for her and she felt exhilarated.

Liam got up and shook her hand. Luke patted her shoulder proudly. Leia hugged her. Nahaia shook her hand. Chewbacca gave her a high-five (or a low five. She was much shorter than him). Han patted her back (and then turned back to his sandwich).

Surrounded by all her friends, she'd never felt more alive. After many congratulations, they began eating and laughing once again and Serene could've sworn she saw a blue, semi-visible figure in between the trees, smiling at her proudly.

Zara quietly slipped away and joined him.

"Her training is now complete," she said.

"Indeed, but her adventures naturally aren't. She's wise and strong," Obi-Wan smiled.

"She truly is. Obi-Wan, it's nearly time for me to join you," Zara said, touching her necklace, on which hung the small stone he'd given her, many years before.

"It is, dear. But you must continue to teach Luke and Liam all you can. Soon, Serene will know how to train them. She will complete their training. Yet, she still has much to learn."

"She does. I think, once I'm gone, I'll tell them to find Yoda. He's the wisest master we've ever met."

"Excellent idea," Obi-wan smiled, "now go. Finish your festivities. I'll be right here."

She locked eyes with him and nodded with a soft smile. She then turned back to her daughter and her friends.

- - -

Serene smiled as she helped out with the preparations for the flight.

The Resistance had decided not to spare any second and they were to leave the next day when the sun rose on Yavin-IV.

They'd decided that Leia, Liam, Zara, Han, Nahaia, and Chewbacca would travel on the Millennium Falcon while Serene and Luke would follow them closely in their X-Wings.

That very moment, Serene was helping to pack up the Navi-computers. She had absolutely no idea what she was doing, but she was doing alright.

Leia and Liam were busy with the organization of the travel, Han, Nahaia, and Chewie were piling supplies onto their ship and Luke was readying his X-Wing.

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