Ch.1: The message of the Princess.

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Zara, a kind, elderly woman, roamed the Tatooinian market.

She bought fruit and vegetables and water.

Her silverish-white hair tied up in a loose bun, she wiped the sweat drops on her brow.

She may have been living on Tatooine for nineteen years, she'd never get used to the blazing climate.

Her observant fire-red eyes looked over her supplies and she decided she'd bought enough to last them a week.

She returned to her nice cave on the outskirts. It was a simple but spacious rock cave, but the floors were covered by soft green and blue carpet on it, and two "holes" were carved in the walls. In one was a soft, comfortable, twin-sized mattress, and in the other resided a king-sized one. The rest of the cave walls were carved with hand made shelves that Zara had made with her lightsaber.

In her other life, she'd been one of the most brave Jedi Knights to ever live, and she was one of the very few who had survived "Order 66".

Anyway, in one of the shelves were the dishes and silverware, in one the food, in the remaining other everyday objects. There were three wooden shelves, two of which were full with folded clothes.

Zara looked at the empty one and sighed.

Green cloth wrapped around the small wooden seats and table that stood in the very middle of the cave.

She settled her basket on the table and started putting the supplies away in their respective places.

Once her job was done, she sat down on a chair and sighed.

Once she and her husband, Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi, had brought the newly born Luke Skywalker to Tatooine, they had settled in this desert cave and soon their beautiful redheaded daughter was born.

They had named her Serene, after their new, calm lifestyle.

Sometimes she missed the action packed missions the Jedi Council would send her on. She missed nearly losing her life all the time. Counter-intuitive, isn't it?

She remembered when she and Obi-Wan had been captured by Geonosians and chained in the arena for their deadly entertainment.

Naturally, their dear friends, Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker and Senator Padmè Amidala Naberrie had come to save them, and they obviously got captured as well.

She remembered with a laugh the tough, one hour long talk-to she and Obi-Wan had given them.

She remembered the laughs and adventures the four of them had had together.

But everything changed when the Dark Side attacked.

Anakin's thoughts were corrupted by Chancellor Palpatine, or, better, Sith Lord Sidious. Padmè's heart and mind had been so distraught, her spirit abandoned her body.

Zara sighed, and thought about something else. Thinking of them was just too painful.

Her mind moved to Serene, her daughter. The now nineteen year old had left Tatooine two years prior to join the Resistance.

The young redhead had been trained by her parents in the Jedi arts. She was an excellent Force channeler and was quite handy with a lightsaber. Her Padawan braid would soon be cut.

She had her mother's hair and her father's attitude and accent. Her eyes were purple, unlike her parents' red and blue ones. Zara has always figured it had to do with some bizarre genetics she didn't have the time to understand (or learn anything about).

Serene's hair was long and reached her waist. Maybe it was even longer. Her mother hadn't seen her in a long time.

Her daughter didn't have a lightsaber. She'd been learning with her father's and couldn't take it with her.

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