Ch.7: That ain't no moon.

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Serene was meditating. Her wrists were chained to opposite walls, same as her ankles. The metal "wrap" around her waist was chained to the ceiling. All in all, she couldn't move.

She was mad, but she knew her emotion was out of place. Anger leads to the Dark Side. She thought it was probably what Vader was hoping to do. Get her angry.

She decided she wouldn't give him that satisfaction.

She closed her eyes and started meditating. She had to admit, it wasn't very easy in this awful position.

Meditating didn't come as easily to her as she would've hoped.

She shook her head to remove her angry feeling.

She thought of her mother, probably cooking dinner on Tatooine at the moment.

Of her father, probably meditating.

Of Luke, whom she hadn't seen in so long, probably watering the crops.

Leia was, without a doubt, pacing freely in her cell, something Serene clearly couldn't do.

She let out a shout of exasperation and immediately regretted it.

Vader probably had cameras somewhere in her cell, watching her every move and calculating his words to try and pull her to the dark side.

She wouldn't allow it.


"We're reaching Alderaan!" Nahaia yelled at the passengers, all the way from the cockpit.

"Nahaia, when I told you to go and tell them we're here, that's not what I meant," Han said.

She rolled her eyes.

"Stand by, Chewie. Here we go. Cut in sunlight engines," Han said.

They exited hyperspace. The moment they did, they could feel something making the ship tremble strongly.

"What the-" Han started.

"I don't like this," Nahaia said.

Chewie let out a soft roar off agreement.

"We've come out of hyperspace into a meteor shower, some kind of asteroid collision," Han said.

"That's impossible," his sister countered, "there were no meteor showers scheduled, I checked the forecast four times!"

"Well, you were clearly mistaken."

"No I wasn't! I don't make mistakes! And look! It's not on any of the charts!! This has got to be something else!" she exclaimed.

"She's right," Liam said, entering the cockpit and leaning on Chewie's seat, "I've seen lots of meteor showers up close, this isn't one."

"The kriff's going on?" Nahaia said, her hair turning light gray.

"What's going on?" Luke said, walking in.

"Are we in the wrong place?" Han asked.

"No. Our position's correct, except no Alderaan!" Nahaia said, checking L3's charts.

L3 was a droid friend of theirs who had sadly died on their mission when she was seven years old. Now, the droid's charts were connected to the Millennium Falcon, so she was still with them, in some sort.

"What do you mean? Where is it?" Luke asked.

"That's what I'm trying to tell you kid, it ain't there. It's been blown away," Han said.

"That's impossible," Nahaia said.

"Do you got any other explanation?" Han snapped. She didn't answer.

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